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[Phase 1]: Ship Identification


Your ship is receiving distress calls all throughout the galaxy. Using the 3 clues for each and any resource available (BF wiki, Memory Alpha, resource guides), identify the different starship classes.

Starship 1
Clue 1: Prominently featured during the Dominion War
Clue 2: Powered by an artificial singularity
Clue 3: First encountered by the Federation in 2364

Starship 2
Clue 1: The first attempt by Starfleet at a true “dreadnought”
Clue 2: Prototype was built up from the starship Yorktown
Clue 3: Included a Europa subtype

Starship 3
Clue 1: First introduced in 2257
Clue 2: Came in several variants
Clue 3: Same design used by both the Klingons and the Romulans


  • Entries will place by completeness, with ties broken by who submits first.
  • Entries should be submitted through the competition screen, clearly delineating which answer is for which starship.


User ID Date Entry
Micah Mendoza 25 2021-08-05 21:08:45
Javin Kile 113 2021-08-05 01:00:06
Thelor ch'Idrani 2109 2021-08-03 22:29:27
Walter Jones 1659 2021-07-31 14:21:09
Warren Paige 99 2021-07-28 20:28:33
Jason Hawk 104 2021-07-27 17:58:44
Aoife McKenzie 2231 2021-07-27 04:12:25
Th'lora Vehl 2240 2021-07-27 01:37:40
Jonathan Ransom 2022 2021-07-25 21:46:11
Vausees Vax 2184 2021-07-25 06:15:06
Henry Maxwell 2223 2021-07-24 21:28:32
Struan MacLeod 2197 2021-07-24 16:10:21
Erill'Yun Mek 2187 2021-07-24 13:19:27
Luke Duncan 1759 2021-07-24 09:42:08
Orila Karai 2263 2021-07-24 08:58:58
Imya Jori 10 2021-07-24 06:18:43
Elena Mitchell 2266 2021-07-24 05:00:07
Yanrel Vex 245 2021-07-24 03:49:46
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121 2021-07-24 02:09:46
Brodie Lewis 2208 2021-07-24 01:41:28

Competition Winners

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