[Phase 1]: The Omega Directive


“Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Chosen by Starfleet to represent a threat not only to the Federation, but to the entire galaxy. Only starship captains and Federation Flag Officers have been briefed on the nature of this threat.”
– Captain Janeway (VOY: “The Omega Directive”)

Your character just took command of their first Federation starship! On top of selecting a crew, reading about your new mission, and learning about the new vessel you’re about to command, you’re about have a classified briefing from Starfleet Science.

Write about your character’s first briefing on The Omega Directive. What are your character’s initial reactions to learning about Omega? How does your character respond to an order that supersedes the Prime Directive? Does your character want to destroy Omega at all costs or learn more about the molecule?

If you’re currently a junior officer, if you do not have a command, or if your Commanding Officer is under the rank of Captain, you have two options:

1) Create a new character, at the rank of Captain, that you can use in the future once you’re able to have your own command!
2) Write about the moral dilemma that your character faces: either follow your Captain’s orders and possibly violate some of Starfleet’s core values and rules, or disobey your Captain but stay true to the oath your character took. In this situation, your character has no knowledge of the Omega Directive.


  • Submissions should include a link to a BFMS-created story attached to a character under your control.
  • Stories graded based on: authenticity of the character's reaction when compared to their biography, personality, and career; accuracy of spelling and grammar.
  • No minimum or maximum word count. Write a story using as much, or as little, as you need – but, remember, sometimes less is more!



User ID Content Date Entry
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121


2021-08-06 10:47:32
Jackson Porter 2115


2021-08-06 02:07:08
Struan MacLeod 2197

User: bri.whyte
Task Force: 93
Story link: https://bravofleet.com/story/37092/

2021-08-05 16:47:53


2021-08-02 19:06:17
Aoife McKenzie 2231


2021-08-02 01:39:14 View Image
Alexandria Mitchell 2266


2021-07-31 21:30:51
Luke Duncan 1759


2021-07-24 22:27:38
Henry Maxwell 2223


Captain John Carter, Commanding Officer of the USS Centaur

2021-07-24 19:57:24
Gar'rath 73

My entry for this competition can be found here: https://bravofleet.com/story/36079/

2021-07-24 08:25:06

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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