As Time Goes By…: [Phase 2]: ‘The Borg, the Son’a, the Romulans. You get all of the easy assignments’ – Infobase Article Creations


There are many races that Starfleet has met over the years and many of these are listed on the Bravo Fleet Infobase. Pick one canon race that does not have a complete article and create one for them based on Star Trek canon. Use websites like Memory Alpha to remind you of what has already been established and other sites like Memory Beta to inspire you. All articles must use the following headlines:

  • Physiology
  • History & Politics
  • Culture & Tradition

Where there is multiple entries for one race, judges will pick the best written articles that include the best description and detail. The overall winner will be the one best judged close to canon with the most detail. All other entries may be added to the BF Infobase.

Entries must follow the guidelines set out by the Loremaster Policy for articles on the BF Infobase.

Please make sure you do you not copy / plagerise any articles from other websites.

Good examples from the BF Infobase includes:

Klingon Empire



Please write your articles under a Sandbox on the BF Infobase and please include pictures, where appropriate.


  • Entries must follow the guidelines set out by the Loremaster Policy for articles on the BF Infobase.



User ID Content Date Entry
Jack Conrad 1732

Infobase entry on Argelians:

2020-08-29 16:10:41

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