As Time Goes By…: [Phase 2]: ‘Tales from the Captain’s Table’ – Part 2


Following on from the previous first competition, this time players must write a joint post with another person in the fleet. The joint post (needs to state who is involved in it) will be submitted to the forums. Both players will need to enter the competition separately via the submission form and include who they did their joint post with and a link to it on the forums. A maximum of 5000 words will be set (with a 10% extra limit if players need to go beyond the 5000 limit).

This is a team event which means two people will come in first, two will come in second and two will come in third.

Players need to write in the third person, starting from their arrival at the Tavern and then moving to sharing their joint story from their background. The re-telling of their background must have a transition point to show the reader the explicit move from being in the Tavern to their event from their shared background and then back to the Tavern.

Please use this title at the start of your post so we know it is part of the competition: Tales From The Captain’s Table – Part II


  • Character development/background and how well the two characters interact with one another.
  • Originality in how their characters interact with one another and the story they re-tell. 
  • The quality of their characters interacting with Cap.



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Office of the Chief of Staff

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