USS Manchester (NCC-80244)

USS Manchester

Parliament-class • NCC-80244 • Cygnus Exploratory Cruiser DivisionChallenger Heavy Explorer Squadron • Fourth Fleet

The USS Manchester is a Parliament-class utility cruiser that currently serves as the engineering and logistical support ship of Challenger Squadron.

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Challenger Heavy Explorer Squadron

Squadron Commands

Ark Royal Exploratory Cruiser Division

Cygnus Exploratory Cruiser Division

Trident Explorer Division

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10 July 2023

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USS Ark Royal, USS Challenger, USS Cygnus, USS Endurance, USS Horatio (Archive) and USS Manchester

“I’ll raise ten.” “Fold.” “Fold.” “Call.” Finley Calderwood studied the two cards in his hand; the two of diamonds and the queen of hearts. On the table were the three of clubs, the four of hearts, the ace of clubs and the five of clubs with one card left to be dealt. I just need [...]

4 July 2023

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USS Ark Royal, USS Challenger, USS Cygnus, USS Endurance, USS Horatio (Archive) and USS Manchester

“That was delicious,” Henry Young leaned back in his chair and rubbed a hand over his now bloated stomach. Luro always replicated too much because she knew Young would eat it. She’d been feeding or overfeeding him since their first meeting on the USS Galaxy seven years ago. Luro beamed as she [...]

25 June 2023

Snapshots - 1


USS Ark Royal, USS Challenger, USS Cygnus, USS Endurance, USS Horatio (Archive) and USS Manchester

Following their engagement with what remained of the Dominion’s Lost Fleet at Farpoint, Challenger Squadron returned to Starbase Bravo for repairs. The Higgs, already hastily repaired after encountering three Jem’Hadar fighters, took a further beating and had to be towed home by the [...]