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Profile Overview

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Antonia Carrera

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Carrera


Executive Officer
USS Manchester


Antonia Sofia Carrera

June 11, 2362

Valencia, Spain, Sol III


Antonia Carerra is an astrophysicist and Starfleet Officer currently who has moved to the command track and is now serving as the USS Manchester’s Executive Officer. Following her father’s untimely death during the Battle of Sector 001 when she was just 11, Carerra was forced to grow up early and help her mother raise her four younger brothers. As a result, she learned her lessons in command at a young age trying to keep her younger brothers in line. While Carerra has spent the first part of her career indulging her passion for science, she has kept one eye moving to command and feels that her time is near.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2380 - 2381 Astrophysics Student Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Freshman Grade
2381 - 2382 Astrophysics Student Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2382 - 2383 Astrophysics Student Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Junior Grade
2383 - 2384 Astrophysics Student Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III Campus
Cadet Senior Grade
2384 - 2386 Astrophysics Section Head USS Endurance NCC-79322
2386 - 2389 Astrophysics Fellowship Trill Science Ministry
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2391 Astrophysics Fellowship Trill Science Ministry
2391 - 2393 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Ticonderoga NCC-69489
2393 - 2397 Chief Science Officer USS Ticonderoga NCC-69489
Lieutenant Commander
2397 - 2398 Chief Science Officer USS Washington NCC-73073
Lieutenant Commander
2398 - 2399 Chief Science Officer USS Washington NCC-73073
2399 - 2401 Chief Science Officer/Second Officer USS Washington NCC-73073
2401 Chief Science Officer/Second Officer USS Challenger NCC-92421
2401 - Present Executive Officer USS Manchester NCC-80244