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USS Ulysses (NCC-90565)

In the premiere of "Ulysses: Shadows of the Triangle," Captain MacLeod and crew navigate the Azure Nebula to aid a besieged research vessel. Their daring rescue is just the beginning as they face off against cunning Nausicaan pirates in a high-stakes standoff.

USS Ulysses

Sovereign-class • NCC-90565 • Task Force 86

Welcome aboard the USS Ulysses, a Sovereign-class starship stationed near The Triangle under the command of Captain James C. MacLeod, Starfleet.

Nestled between the territories of the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Republic, the Triangle has long been a haven for criminals and a springboard for clandestine operations against the Federation. Its unique location and the shielding effect of the Azure Nebula have allowed unlawful activities to flourish in the absence of any one power’s jurisdiction. A diminished Starfleet presence in the region has only exacerbated the situation. The Ulysses has been dispatched with a clear mandate: to re-establish a semblance of law and order within the Triangle and neutralize threats that may jeopardize the delicate balance between the great powers.

The Ulysses is a rated 2 2 2 personal fiction.

Ulysses Exploratory Cruiser Division

The Ulysses Exploratory Cruiser Division is a critical component of Task Force Eighty-Six: Border Operations Fourth Fleet, operating under the command of Captain James C. MacLeod, Starfleet. Captain MacLeod commands the division from his flagship, the USS Ulysses (NCC-90565), a Sovereign-class Exploratory Cruiser.

The division’s remit is in and around the Triangle, an unclaimed region of space bordered by the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Republic. This area, known for its complex local phenomena such as the Azure Nebula, poses significant challenges for monitoring and enforcement. The Triangle has historically been a hotbed for criminal and clandestine activities, exacerbated by a reduced Starfleet presence over the past fifteen years.

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 653
Executive Officer
ID: 653
Operations Officer
ID: 653

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