USS Brontes (Archive)

Newly assigned to Ensign James Miller, the crew of the USS Brontes continues to explore the systems of the Federation, helping refine the knowledge of Stellar Cartography, and Natural Sciences. Often called to aid with medical and other humanitarian needs, the Brontes has a young, eager crew

USS Brontes (Archive)


Newly assigned to Ensign James Miller, the crew of the USS Brontes continues to explore the systems of the Federation, helping refine the knowledge of Stellar Cartography, and Natural Sciences. Often called to aid with medical and other humanitarian needs, the Brontes has a young, eager crew. Responding to the subspace pulse, the crew will cut their teeth exploring and doing their part to aid a quadrant in chaos.

Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2575
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer
ID: 2575
First Officer
ID: 2575
Chief Engineer
ID: 2575