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Profile Overview

Moira Hewett

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Hewett


Second Officer
USS Anaheim


Moira Rose Hewett




Moira is passionate, charismatic and has a knack for getting cooler heads to prevail. She works hard, plays hard and is tireless in her efforts to get the best out of the crew of the USS Anaheim. The daughter of two career Starfleet personnel, she has never hidden the fact she aspires to her own command, but believes that the chance to help prove herself as a First Officer will only be beneficial for that long term goal.


Moira is passionate, charismatic and has a knack for getting cooler heads to prevail. She works hard, plays hard and is tireless in her efforts to get the best out of the crew of the USS Anaheim. 


At Starfleet Academy she declared for Command almost the first day. She worked hard, applied herself to her chosen career track and was considered a top student among her year. Passionate and motivated, she wrestled with disappointment when she wasn’t given a Raven of her own, but in their student cruise, she came to respect Callum. She is now working hard as a First Officer, always with an eye to the opening commands list.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2396 - 2400 Cadet Starfleet Academy
2400 - Present First Officer USS Brontes
Lieutenant Junior Grade