Deep Space 11 (DS-11)

An outpost on the edge of Kzinti space, DS11 serves as a border patrol hub and staging point for exploration missions beyond the Federation's northern territories. Most recently, the station has taken on new significance as headquarters of Lakota Squadron as an additional asset of TF17.

Deep Space 11

Copernicus-class • DS-11 • Task Force 17

On the border of Kzinti space, Deep Space 11 serves as a border patrol hub for vessels observing the enigmatic Patriarchy, whilst offering a diplomatic olive branch whenever an opportunity arises. With dangerous locals such as the Ryton system and the Typhon Expanse on their doorstep, the station also serves as a staging point for exploratory operations beyond the northernmost border of Federation space. Most recently, the station has become the headquarters for the Fourth Fleet’s Lakota Squadron, under the command of Fleet Captain Keziah Nazir, whilst becoming an additional asset at the disposal of Task Force 17.

The stories of Lakota Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including some moderate violence, language and sexual content.

Lakota Heavy Cruiser Squadron

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