USS Scylla NCC-87505 is a Manticore-class Federation starship currently assigned to Fourth Fleet under the command of Captain Teodor Borodin. Operating as part of Sirius Squadron, the Scylla provides the unit with tactical support. Smaller and faster than the formation’s primary tactical vessel, the USS Redemption, the Scylla acts as a rapid response ship for emerging combat situations and flies escort when the other major ships of the squadron may be entering dangerous areas. Her routine operations include recon and patrol duties, particularly along more contested regions of the former Romulan Neutral Zone.
Sirius Expeditionary Squadron is a unit centered around the Odyssey-class USS Sirius under the command of Commodore Matt Rourke. Sirius Squadron stands ready to deploy outside or on the fringes of Federation territory at short notice to respond to emerging situations across the galaxy. With multiple versatile and powerful ships at its disposal, the squadron can operate independently and without support for extended periods, and is flexible enough to face a range of missions, including under volatile circumstances where objectives and conditions can quickly change. While this profile often leads Sirius Squadron to respond to geopolitical crises, the unit’s versatility make it equally suited emergent scientific investigations.
The main unit, organised around the Sirius herself, is an element of several powerful ships each able to take the lead or act independently depending on the mission’s needs. Deployed together, they are a supremely well-rounded and capable unit. Two additional divisions provide specialist support. The first, headed by the USS Redemption, acts as an operations element to provide engineering, humanitarian, or diplomatic services. The second, headed by the USS Liberty, fulfils dedicated exploratory or scientific missions. The divisions may deploy independently or in support of one another, depending on operational needs.
To follow the main stories of Sirius Squadron, visit the USS Endeavour Command page.
Badge by user; ‘Star dog’ image element generated with Midjourney
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Second Officer
24 March 2025
USS Endeavour and USS Scylla
It was the evening after the opera when Valance found Beckett sat alone in the Round Table. She slid into the booth’s opposite bench and set a PADD on the table. ‘Ledera defeated Brok’tan in ritual combat this afternoon. The Suv’chu has left the system.’ He’d settled down with a bowl of [...]
21 March 2025
USS Endeavour and USS Scylla
‘You were right, and I was wrong.’ Caede sat at the bar in the Safe House, and peered up at Kharth – still in her dress uniform, freshly beamed up from the opera – with a suspicious gaze. ‘Opera’s pretentious and boring?’ he ventured. ‘Our people need help.’ Loosening her [...]
20 March 2025
USS Endeavour and USS Scylla
‘You knew!’ Ledera’s accusation thundered around the theatre. Beside Valance, Governor Vhiemm threw her a desperate look. She knew he was pleading for her to intervene somehow, to be ‘Klingon enough’ to stop the chaos. But Valance knew there was nothing she could say or do to bring this [...]
19 March 2025
USS Endeavour and USS Scylla
The opera’s first act reached its crescendo, the lead soprano’s voice soaring above the orchestral swell as she portrayed the Romulan senator betrayed by her most trusted general. Behind her, holographic projections of ancient warbirds engaged in battle, their destruction rendered in [...]