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Profile Overview

Gregor Sharp

Trill Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Cadet Sharp


Starbase Bravo


Gregor Euan Duncan Sharp


San Francisco, Earth


Gregor Euan Duncan Sharp is a current cadet officer training at the San Francisco campus of Starfleet Academy. Just starting out as a first year in the earlier month of January, he has been noted as a hard-working and enduring person who has an almost puppy-like eagerness. Through his studies of both communications and linguistics, Gregor has risen through the ranks amongst his peers in a way that has been witnessed a few times before at Starfleet Academy. It is expected that he be a fine communications officer in the near future.


Physical Appearance:

Height: 5′ 11″,180 CM
Weight: 174 lbs, 78.9 Kg
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde
Eye Colour: Aquamarine

Physical Discription


Gregor is an outgoing and opportunistic individual, always one to get into the thick of situations to satisfy his need to be useful and just to try new things out. With a very naive yet eager mindset, Gregor is slightly gullible and will commit to anything he is told to do, whether it is useful or not. His hopes and dreams are to steadily climb the ranks of Star Fleet to become the captain of his very own ship.