
Profile Overview

Nalia Th'resh

Catian Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Th'resh


Senior Medical Officer
USS Pandora (Archive)


Lieutenant Commander Nalia Th’resh, Starfleet is the Senior Medical Officer aboard the USS Pandora.


Lieutenant Commander Nalia Th’resh is a striking Caitian, with a lean and athletic build. Her fur is a golden tawny color, with black stripes along her arms, legs, and tail. Her expressive eyes are a bright emerald green, framed by long, dark lashes. Nalia’s feline features include a cat-like snout, pointed ears, and a long, bushy tail. Her retractable claws are well-maintained and sharp, a testament to her meticulous grooming habits.

As a Caitian, Nalia possesses superior agility, reflexes, and strength compared to most humanoid species. Her keen senses of hearing, vision, and smell are valuable assets in her role as the Senior Medical Officer on the USS Pandora.


Nalia Th’resh is a highly intelligent, resourceful, and compassionate individual. She is well-respected among her peers and subordinates for her unwavering dedication to the well-being of the crew. Nalia is an excellent listener, which makes her an effective counselor in addition to her medical expertise.

Nalia’s natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge have led her to become well-versed in a wide range of medical fields, from xenobiology to trauma surgery. Her ability to quickly adapt to new situations and think on her feet has proven invaluable in high-pressure scenarios, such as medical emergencies or treating unknown alien species.

Despite her professional demeanor, Nalia has a playful and mischievous side, which she often uses to defuse tense situations or bring levity to the crew. Her sense of humor can be a bit dry, but it is well-intentioned and rarely mean-spirited.

As a Caitian, Nalia is deeply in tune with her instincts, allowing her to trust her gut feelings in difficult situations. However, she is also aware of the potential pitfalls of relying solely on instinct and strives to balance her intuition with logic and reason.

Nalia has a strong moral compass and will go to great lengths to ensure that all patients receive the care they need, even if it means bending or breaking the rules. This has occasionally led to conflict with superior officers, but Nalia is fiercely loyal to her patients and will stand her ground when she believes it is in their best interest.

In her personal life, Nalia is relatively private and often spends her off-duty hours indulging in her love of art and music, with a particular fondness for traditional Caitian instruments. She has formed close friendships with several crew members but maintains a level of professional distance to avoid any appearance of favoritism.