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Profile Overview

Jaret Taila

Bajoran Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Vice Admiral Jaret


Commanding Officer
Deep Space 19


Jaret Taila

17th December 2340

Olbari II


Jaret Taila is a highly respected and experienced Starfleet Officer who currently serves as the commanding officer of Deep Space 19. Her association with the station goes back to its inception, as she was responsible for overseeing its construction. Her involvement in the station’s creation has resulted in a long-lasting legacy beyond the station itself and the surrounding sectors.

Jaret is widely known for her relaxed and calm demeanour, an asset to her leadership style. Her extensive experience working along the Romulan Free State-Federation border has given her a unique perspective and valuable insights into the workings of this volatile region of space.

Before her role as commanding officer, Jaret served in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, where she gained a wealth of knowledge and expertise in various fields. Her engineering background has been instrumental in the successful functioning of the station and has earned her the respect of her colleagues.

Overall, Jaret Taila is a competent and respected officer who has dedicated her career to serving the Federation and ensuring the safety of its citizens.


Jaret Taila is an accomplished Starfleet officer with a commanding and captivating appearance. Standing at an impressive height, she exudes a strong and confident presence that is difficult to ignore. Her physique is lean, toned, and indicative of her commitment to fitness and health.

Regarding her facial features, Jaret is blessed with a strikingly beautiful face defined by sharp cheekbones, a prominent jawline, and a captivating smile. Her radiant blue eyes, which seem to sparkle in any light, convey intelligence, humour, and depth of character. Her hair, often styled in a bob, frames her face in a manner that accentuates her features and contributes to her overall appeal. As she has aged, she has stopped dying it brown and has allowed her silver highlights (as she calls it) to come through. 

Her imposing physical stature, striking facial features, and captivating presence make her an icon of grace and someone everyone recognises when she enters any room. She is a true professional who brings her unique talents and abilities to every situation, and her appearance is an integral part of her success.

  • Height: 6′ 1″ (1.86 m)
  • Weight: 138 lbs
  • Hair: Brown/Grey
  • Eyes: Blue


Jaret possesses various traits that make her a beloved Commanding Officer to those who serve under her. She exudes an air of confidence and self-assurance in all situations, which contributes to her reputation as a highly skilled individual. She’s known for her exceptional intelligence, enabling her to handle difficult situations easily. Her strong will is evident in her actions and decisions, which are always guided by her loyalty to Starfleet and the Federation, as well as her commitment to the welfare of those who serve under her. 

She possesses a sharp wit that is matched by her ability to think on her feet, making her a force to be reckoned with, especially in the face of challenging issues from such adversaries as the Romulans. She never forgets her heritage and is a firm believer in the Bajoran faith, something she feels passionate about thanks to her upbringing. Though her childhood initially started as rough due to the Cardassian Occupation of her homeworld, Jaret was one of the lucky ones who escaped the final years of it. Her parents fled to the Federation with her and her brothers and lived a quiet life on Olbari II, a Bajoran settlement camp far from the Cardassian border. She was extremely grateful to the Starfleet officers who rescued her and her family and believes she has a lifetime debt to repay to them. 

Despite her tough exterior, Jaret has a compassionate and empathetic side that makes her a valuable confidante and friend to those around her. Overall, Jaret is a dynamic woman respected and admired by her colleagues and opponents.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2361 - 2362 Cadet First Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2361 - 2362 Cadet Second Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2362 - 2363 Cadet Third Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2363 - 2364 Cadet Fourth Year Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2364 - 2366 Engineer USS Roehampton
2366 - 2369 Duty Shift Supervisor Engineer USS Galaxy
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2369 - 2371 Assistant Chief Engineer USS Galaxy
2371 - 2373 Chief Engineer USS Odyssey
2373 - 2375 Chief Engineer USS Odyssey
Lieutenant Commander
2375 - 2378 Starfleet Corps of Engineers Unit Lead Cardassia Prime
Cardassian Union Relief Project
Lieutenant Commander
2378 - 2380 Chief Construction Manager Concordia Station Project
Deep Space 19
2380 - 2383 Chief Operations Officer
Second Executive Officer
Deep Space 19
2383 - 2385 Executive Officer Deep Space 19
2385 - 2390 Executive Officer Deep Space 19
2390 - 2395 Commanding Officer Deep Space 19
2395 - 2400 Commanding Officer Deep Space 19
Rear Admiral
2400 - Present Commanding Officer Deep Space 19
Vice Admiral