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Profile Overview

Edward Branson

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Branson


Chief Medical Officer
Endeavour (Archive)


Edward Lachlan Branson

22nd November 2124

Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom, United Earth


Edward Lachlan Branson, MB ChB, MSc, MD, (referred to as “Eddie” or “Ed”) is a Starfleet officer and the current Chief Medical Officer of the starship Endeavour (NX-06). Assigned to the ship in 2157, Branson is a highly qualified doctor with only one other posting under his belt since joining Starfleet. Though young, Branson is a highly gifted and talented individual who is quite a medical expert. Only recently has he been invited to join the Interspecies Medical Exchange Programme as a researcher. Due to his qualifications, he was fast-tracked through Starfleet Training Command and was given a field commission of lieutenant junior grade.


  • Height: 5′ 11″ (1.8 m)
  • Weight: 179 lbs
  • Hair:  Dark Sandy Blonde
  • Eyes: Blue

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2155 - 2156 Officer Cadet (Advanced Training) Starfleet Training Command
Cadet Senior Grade
2156 - 2157 Second Medical Officer Poseidon (NP-01)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2157 - Present Chief Medical Officer Endeavour (NX-06)