
Profile Overview

Ril Mnass

Klingon/Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Mnass


Chief of Security and Tactical Officer
USS Sojourner


Ril Mnass


Krios Prime


Recently reassigned from Starbase Bravo to the USS Daradax as the security and tactical officer she has shown on several occasions her complete dedication to Starfleet and the ideology behind it. She has a slight aggressive streak when it comes to getting the job done which has led to several reprimands but is a very dedicated officer. These reprimands she believes are what have gotten her ‘exiled’ to the USS Daradax and delayed her promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade.


Ril is 1.90 meters tall and weighs 70kg. Her Klingon heritage is clearly visible due to her cranial ridges and tanned skin tone. She has always been proud of her physical appearance and her work in security has only heightened this. She has a very muscular frame as she has a dedicated workout routine she follows.


Ril is in general, a very friendly individual but has some deep-seated aggression issues she has allowed linked to her Klingon side. On the flip side of that, she is very passionate when it comes to her personal interests and hobbies.

When she gets upset or her adrenaline gets going her temper can flare which has caused problems for her in the past.

Character Notes (Likes):

  • Prune Juice
  • Fresh Gagh


Early Life

Ril was born and grew up on Krios Prime in the Kriosian system. She grew up with her Klingon mother as she never knew her father and her mother refused to talk about him other than he was a dashing and energetic federation officer that she swept off his feet when he was visiting the planet. Never shy when it comes to such stories Ril is pretty sure her mother never actually got her father’s name.  Being half-human she was never made to feel like an outsider by the adults but she was teased by the Klingon children and found that the best way to stop it was to make them stop. As she grew up her interest in her father and her human half drove her to apply for the academy much to her mother’s dismay as she had hoped Ril would join the Klingon Defense Force.


Arriving at the academy on Earth she found her calling right away in the security and tactical track where her eagerness and skill earned her top marks though she struggled with most other courses she had to take at that academy. During this time she surrounded herself with everything human and fell in love with the various cultures and traditions of the planet while at the same time trying to find any information on who her father may be.

Starbase Bravo

Upon graduating she was assigned to Starbase 4, Starbase Bravo, to be part of the security and tactical response detail on the station. Though she had done well in her area at the academy she had struggled through the science and engineering courses to get at best average marks.  During her time on SBB she excelled in her posting until a series of aggressive assaults on the station lead her to apprehend the culprit, a very dangerous Nausicaan who fought back. The altercation, as her CO called it, left the Nausicaan in intensive care and her with a broken arm. She was reprimanded for excessive force and given deskwork from that point on.

This treatment lead her to grow resentful and she verbally lashed out at her CO on several occasions whenever she tried to get away from the deskwork. She believes the original reprimand and subsequent ones are the reason she was then ‘Exiled’ to the USS Daradax.

USS Daradax (2400)

Assigned to the USS Daradax as its security and tactical officer Ril wants nothing more than to get reassigned as she feels her talents will be wasted there. The Daradax travelled to the Kunhri System as part of a small Taskforce to aid the former mining world of Kunhri III with much-needed support.

After the situation stabilised they were ordered to Risa to collect and transport a VIP to DS9. After arriving at DS9 they supported local Bajoran efforts to resupply their colonies.

USS Sojourner (2400)

Reassigned and promoted along with the rest of the crew of the Daradax to the newly constructed USS Sojourner.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2395 - 2398 Starfleet Cadet: Security Officer Track Starfleet Academy (Earth)
2398 - 2400 Security Officer - Hazard Team Star base 4 (Starbase Bravo)
2400 Security and Tactical Officer USS Daradax
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2400 Chief of Security and Tactical Officer USS Sojourner