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Profile Overview

Livingston Dutton

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Dutton


Starbase Bravo


Livingston Dutton



Livingston Dutton has been assigned to Starbase Bravo most of his professional career in Starfleet. Growing up on Luna, Livingston always yearned to live on Earth but his parents were civilian scientists working and living on Luna. His fondest memories, however, revolve around visiting his grandfather’s farm on Earth where he taught Livingston how to ride horses. Livingston brings the rancher work ethic and mentality to his life on the Station. He can often be found, looking for work, or spending some quality time at a local watering hole off-shift. There is little ground in between. He serves as a Shift Engineer with a particular focus on quality of life systems for the residents and staff on board the station.


Livingston Dutton has been assigned to Starbase Bravo most of his professional career in Starfleet. Growing up on Luna, Livingston always yearned to live on Earth but his parents were civilian scientists working and living on Luna. His fondest memories, however, revolve around visiting his grandfather’s farm on Earth where he taught Livingston how to ride horses. Horses on Luna were not exactly easy to come by, so he cherished his visits to Earth. Shortly after his grandfather died, the visits to Earth stopped and his parents were transferred to Starbase Bravo where Livingston spent his formative years.

During a routine trip to Mars, Livingston’s parents were killed in the synth attack while he was attending Starfleet Academy at the campus on Mellstoxx III. When he graduated a year later, he was assigned to Starbase Bravo, where he has been ever since.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
- 2386 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2386 - 2387 Engineering Specialist Starbase Bravo
2387 - 2389 Engineering Officer Starbase Bravo
2389 - 2391 Engineering Officer Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2391 - 2398 Engineering Supervisor Starbase Bravo
2398 - Present Shift Engineer Starbase Bravo
Lieutenant Commander