
Profile Overview

Arco Armstrong

Human Cisgender Man

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Armstrong


Chief Science Officer
USS Arcturus


Marcus Brutus Armstrong



Marcus “Arco” Armstrong is the Assistant Chief Science Officer aboard the Arcturus. He is the younger brother of Captain Noah Armstrong of the Columbia and Lieutenant Commander Lex Armstrong, a JAG officer on Starbase Bravo. He has neither the confidence of his older brother nor the laissez-faire attitude of his younger brother, but is instead is reserved, talented, and a hard worker.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2382 Astrogeology Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2382 - 2383 Astrogeology Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2383 - 2384 Astrogeology Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2384 - 2387 Astrogeology Doctoral Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2387 - 2389 Head of Planetary Sciences USS Charon (NCC-80111)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2393 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Charon (NCC-80111)
2393 - 2396 Chief Science Officer USS Hawking (NCC-72232)
Lieutenant Commander
2396 - 2399 Chief Science Officer USS Aurora (NCC-72321)
Lieutenant Commander
2399 - 2400 Head of Planetary Sciences USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)
2400 - Present Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)