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Profile Overview

Dorian Holland

Human Cisgender Man

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Holland


Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Arcturus


Dorian Arthur Holland

January 16, 2366 (Age 34)

United Kingdom, Earth


Suave and cultured, Commander Holland is a talented diplomat with over a decade of service assisting captains and flag officers in negotiations. As the protocol officer aboard the Arcturus, he is an expert in the customs and culture of Delta Quadrant races, insofar as anyone can be with just the logs from Voyager to base his studies on. His main responsibilities are ensuring that the ship’s senior officers and the mission commander are prepared for the appropriate level of diplomatic protocol and ettiquite for all visiting dignitiaries.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2384 - 2385 Pre-Law & Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2385 - 2386 Pre-Law & Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2386 - 2387 Pre-Law & Interstellar Relations Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2387 - 2390 Law Student Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2390 - 2392 Junior Judge-Advocate Starbase 12
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2392 - 2394 Protocol Officer Starbase 12
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2394 - 2395 Flag Lieutenant USS Niagara
2395 - 2398 Chief Diplomatic Officer USS Niagara
2398 - 2400 Chief Diplomatic Officer USS Niagara
Lieutenant Commander
2400 - Present Chief Diplomatic Officer USS Arcturus
Lieutenant Commander