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Profile Overview

Santiago Serrrano

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Junior Grade Serrano


Deputy Head of Botanical Sciences
USS Arcturus


Santiago Serrano

Stardate 2377.5 (Age 24)

Los Angeles, California, Earth


Lieutenant Junior Grade Santiago Serrano is a botanist who has been assigned to the Arcturus since late 2399. Having grown up on a vineyard in Mexico, he has a love of all things that grow. He is quite content in the botany lab, unlike some of his peers who wish to find more exciting assignments. He wears his emotions on his sleeve, and has an incredibly difficult time lying or misrepresenting himself.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2399 Botanist Starbase 72
2399 - 2401 Botanist USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)
Odyssey-class heavy explorer
2401 - Present Deputy Head of Botanical Sciences USS Arcturus (NCC-84000)
Odyssey-class heavy explorer
Lieutenant Junior Grade