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Profile Overview


Boslic Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Abbej


Chief Science Officer
USS Themis



15th January 2359



Abbej is a Starfleet Officer and is currently assigned to the USS Themis as the ship’s chief science officer. The former Senior Assistant Chief Science Officer on the USS Odyssey, Abbej is an accomplished astrophysicist.


Like most Boslic women, Abbej has dark long purple hair. She keeps this very straight or sometimes tied up into a bun or ponytail. A very tall woman, she has a slender frame. Though on duty she wears a light touch of makeup, especially purple eye shadow, off duty she enjoys wearing more, especially strong red lipstick. 


  • Height: 5′ 11″ (1.8 m)
  • Weight: 138 lbs
  • Hair: Purple
  • Eyes: Brown


A fierce and confident woman, Abbej has played to her strengths for most of her career. Her deep understanding of a range of fields of science makes her an extremely versatile officer. An independent thinker, she works a lot better alone but is able to work or lead a team with ease.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Abbej is passionate about science, something she learned from her parents who were eager scientists themselves. As a result of this zest for the sciences, there are times when it can cloud Abbej’s judgement of her personal life. She can become too engrained in her work and can forget what is happening when wrapped up in an investigation or project. She has been known to be late for important dinners or gatherings. Something, her ex-wife, eventually sorted out. 

That said, her commitment to her loved ones cannot be questioned. Friends and family members are important to her and when she and Tierra divorced at the end of 2400, this hurt her badly. Realising she could not cope with serving on the same ship as Tierra, she requested to be reassigned to the USS Themis. Though her children are grown-ups, she knows her separation from Tierra has hurt them as much as it hurt her. 


Eventually, Abbey does plan to leave Starfleet and wishes to take up a professorship at a noted and renowned university to continue her research into her old age. 

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2372 - 2373 Cadet First Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Freshman Grade
2373 - 2374 Cadet Second Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2374 - 2373 Cadet Third Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Junior Grade
2375 - 2376 Cadet Fourth Year Starfleet Academy, Earth
Cadet Senior Grade
2376 - 2378 Astrophysicist USS Bondar (NCC-71428)
2378 - 2380 Science Officer - Shift Leader USS Bondar (NCC-71428)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2380 - 2381 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Bondar (NCC-71428)
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2389 - 2394 Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)
2394 - 2400 Senior Assistant Chief Science Officer USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)
2400 - Present Chief Science Officer USS Themis (NCC-76554)
Lieutenant Commander