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Profile Overview

Struan MacLeod

Human Male (Cisgender)

Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain MacLeod


USS Sutherland


Struan MacLeod



Captain Struan MacLeod currently commands the Nebula-class U.S.S. Sutherland which is assigned to Task Force 93, based in the Devron Fleet Yards.


Struan MacLeod was born on the 13th May 2352 in the small town of Dornoch, in the Highlands of Scotland.

As a child, he was fascinated by the multitude of different races he’d see whenever he was taken to the city. He was told that they’d originated elsewhere, on other planets, and that sparked a curiosity within him about what those other places were like and if there were even more beyond those with peoples that he’d not yet seen.

Many of the aliens were Starfleet officers, drawing his attention to the organization and forming the ambition that he too, would join Starfleet one day. It seemed like the best path to becoming an explorer. Conscious of the entry requirements for Starfleet Academy, he was driven to work hard at school and exceeded the minimum requirements although he struggled a little with mathematics.

Shortly after his 18th birthday, he left for San Francisco to take up his studies at Starfleet Academy.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2399 - Present Captain U.S.S. Sutherland
2395 - 2399 Captain U.S.S. Helsinki
2390 - 2395 Executive Officer U.S.S. Jamestown
2386 - 2390 Chief Engineering Officer U.S.S. Jamestown
2381 - 2386 Chief Engineering Officer U.S.S. Quasar
2377 - 2381 Engineering Officer U.S.S. Sutherland
2374 - 2377 Engineering Officer U.S.S. Sutherland
2373 - 2374 Cadet (Engineering) Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2372 - 2373 Cadet (Engineering) Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2371 - 2372 Cadet Starfleet Academy
2370 - 2371 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade