USS Sutherland (NCC-91800)

The Sutherland-class U.S.S. Sutherland is just finishing a refit at the Devron Fleet Yards. Captain Struan MacLeod has accepted command of the ship after several years of proving his command capabilities captaining the Parliament-class U.S.S. Helsinki.

USS Sutherland

Sutherland-class • NCC-91800 • Sutherland Research Cruiser Division • Task Force 93

Sutherland Research Cruiser Division

Division Commands

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
ID: 2197
Executive Officer
ID: 2197
Chief Engineering Officer
ID: 2197
Operations Officer
ID: 2197
Science Officer
ID: 2197
Mission Specialist
ID: 2197

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17 June 2023

Echoes of anguish

The Facility

USS Sutherland

Panic gripped him, an overwhelming sense of danger and urgency sparked a rush of adrenaline that heightened his senses and set his heart pounding in his chest. He had to move, he had to flee now. But to where? The corridor around him felt impossibly wide, the stark, grey metal walls offered no [...]

19 May 2023

The Visitor

The Facility

USS Sutherland

The turbolift thrummed its way through the Sutherland’s primary hull as her Captain reflected on the duty shift that just ended. It had been an uneventful day, not unexpected when docked at a starbase, but he enjoyed watching the more junior officers man the bridge stations. There was always a [...]

13 June 2022

Survey suspended

The Enigmatic Aid Request

USS Sutherland

Captain MacLeod arrived in Shelby park fifteen minutes before his arranged meeting was due to begin. It gave him some time to appreciate the space as he slowly wandered to his favorite café. The gentle breeze carried scents from the various trees and shrubs that dotted the carefully manicured [...]

27 August 2021

Relic reconnaissance

Tracking down anything Tkon

USS Sutherland

The humid, cloying air sapped Captain Struan MacLeod’s patience as he cut his way through the dense vegetation that blocked his way to the location where the ruins were reportedly located. Lieutenant Commander Emony Vor seemed to be positively enjoying the activity. “Isn’t this great?” she [...]