
Profile Overview

Wyatt McAllister

Human Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Coyote


Starfighter Pilot
Starbase Bravo




Wyatt “Coyote” McCallister hails from Waco, Texas, with a reputation as a wild card in Starfleet. Lanky and rougher around the edges than most, he’s known for his natural talent behind the controls of a space fighter. While his combat record speaks for itself, showcasing daring feats and split-second decisions, his trouble working within a team has kept him from rising beyond the rank of ensign. Discipline problems have followed him across the edge system stations, but his reassignment to Bravo Fleet offers him a fresh start in a larger arena—his chance to finally tame the “Coyote” within and prove he’s more than a maverick.


Wyatt “Coyote” McCallister is in his late 20s, standing at just over six feet tall with a lean, wiry build that reflects his life of quick reflexes and fast-paced combat. His sun-kissed skin, rough from years spent outdoors and in the cockpit, adds to his rugged appearance. Wyatt’s face is sharp, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline, often sporting a five o’clock shadow that gives him a perpetually unpolished look. His tousled dark brown hair, usually kept short to fit under a flight helmet, contrasts with his piercing blue eyes that carry a mix of intensity and mischief. A small, faded scar on his chin hints at a past brawl, while his relaxed posture and casual gait hide the fact that he’s always ready for action. His Starfleet uniform, though worn with pride, often looks slightly rumpled, matching his devil-may-care attitude.


Wyatt “Coyote” McCallister is a daring and rebellious soul, known for his quick wit and fearless attitude. He’s fiercely independent, often clashing with authority and struggling to follow the rules, but his natural piloting skill is undeniable. Beneath his rugged exterior and tendency to push boundaries, Wyatt has a deep sense of loyalty to those he trusts, even if his way of showing it is unconventional. He thrives in high-pressure situations but can be reckless, preferring to trust his instincts over careful planning. Despite his rough edges, he’s a fighter at heart, always ready to prove himself.


**Service History of Wyatt “Coyote” McCallister**

– **2393**: Enrolled in Starfleet Academy at age 21. Known for excelling in piloting simulations but racking up multiple disciplinary infractions for insubordination and unconventional methods.

– **2397**: Graduated from Starfleet Academy. Assigned as a junior pilot to the **USS Galveston**, a small border patrol vessel operating near the Archanis Sector. Quickly established a reputation as a maverick pilot, though his ability to work in teams was criticized by superiors.

– **2398**: Transferred to **Starbase 341**, a backwater outpost near the Tholian border, after an altercation with a superior officer. Served as a shuttle pilot and fighter escort for supply convoys. Though his skills kept the convoys safe, his inability to follow direct orders continued to hinder his progress.

– **2399**: Reassigned to the **USS Redstone**, a light frigate patrolling the Dera IV system. Engaged in several skirmishes with rogue pirates, earning commendations for his quick thinking and bravery under fire, but received reprimands for acting without orders.

– **2401**: After several disciplinary warnings and a near court-martial for unauthorized actions during a combat mission, Wyatt was reassigned to **Bravo Fleet**, receiving what may be his final chance to prove himself in a larger, more structured environment.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2397 - 2398 Helmsman USS Galveston
2398 - 2399 Fighter Pilot Starbase 341
2399 - 2401 Fighter Pilot USS Redstone
2401 - Present Fighter Pilot Starbase Bravo