
Profile Overview

Tisan Koba

Bajoran Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Tisan


Senior Officer of the Watch
Second Officer
USS Arcturus


Tisan Koba

Stardate 2370.3 (Age 31)



Commander Tisan Koba is the senior officer of the watch aboard the starship Arcturus, where he has responsibility over the flight control, tactical, and security departments. Outwardly sarcastic and irritable, Tisan actually cares deeply about the people he serves with. After an impressive service record on smaller vessels, Tisan hopes that his time aboard Arcturus will lead to a command of his own.


With a build somewhere between lanky and athletic, Tisan Koba is 1.9 meters tall and weighs 75 kilograms; he runs on a daily basis but is unlikely to be found in the weight room. He has blue-green eyes and distinctive auburn hair that is quite rare for Bajorans. Neither religious nor irreligious, Tisan wears his Bajoran earring off duty but not in uniform. His angular features and square jaw make him classically handsome.


Self-deprecating and sarcastic, Tisan can come across as snappish or irritable, but this is performative aloofness to keep his shipmates at a distance. He first became an executive offer at the tender age of 26, and so he uses this demanding personality to try to avoid the perception that he is weak or indecisive. In his core, however, he cares very much about those around him and is a fierce advocate for his friends, even though he often takes a while to make them.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2388 - 2392 Cadet Starfleet Academy, Mellstoxx III
2392 - 2394 Flight Control Officer USS Barcelona
New Orleans-class frigate
2394 - 2396 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Barcelona
New Orleans-class frigate
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2399 Executive Officer USS Spartan
Saber-class scout
2399 - 2401 Executive Officer USS Ptolemy/em>
Rhode Island-class scout
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Senior Officer of the Watch USS Arcturus
Odyssey-class heavy explorer