
Profile Overview

Asa Diego

Human Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Diego


Astrometric Specialist/Deputy Science Officer
USS Galileo


Asa Diego

June 15, 2379

San Francisco, Earth


Ensign Asa Diego currently the Astrometric Specialist and Deputy Science Officer aboard the USS Galileo. Graduating top of her class, the freshly graduated ensign was immediately placed under the command of Captain Maxwell Knapp. Smart, friendly and intelligent are the words to describe Asa Diego as her time aboard the Galileo takes an interesting turn.


Asa Diego keeps a lean body with daily exercise and keeps a strict diet. She has long wavy brown hair that seemingly bounces when she walks and she is always seen with a smile no matter the circumstance.


Asa Diego is a smart woman with the capabilities of many people that make her seemingly the smartest person in the room but she is one of the friendliest people you will ever met having a rather bubbly personality and a very curious mind which makes her intelligent.



Asa Diego, born of Manuel Diego and Sasha Diego came to life on the year 2379. As a kid, Asa loved staying up late in the starry nights of San Francisco as she could stargaze and dream about exploring the stars. With her passion in becoming a Starfleet Officer, Asa studied hard during her elementary and high school days while winning several science competitions that were successful and impressive.

Academy Days

Being accepted into Starfleet Academy at the year 2397 was a great opportunity and a dream come true for Asa as she finally made it into her dream school. Asa took on the course of Astrophysics in the science strand intending on becoming a science officer in the future. With her bubbly and witty personality, Asa made new friends and made connections that will last forever even though they may be apart throughout the stars. At the year 2401, she finally graduated top of her class and started a new journey and adventure on the USS Galileo.

USS Galileo

Asa’s first assignment is aboard the Galileo, a Steamrunner class starship that is under the command of Captain Maxwell Knapp. The adventures of Ensign Asa Diego has just begun here aboard the Galileo.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2397 - 2401 Astrophysics Cadet Starfleet Academy
2401 - Present Astrometric Specialist USS Galileo