
Profile Overview


Romulan Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Centurion Caede


Chief Operations Officer
Romulan Republic Exchange Officer
USS Endeavour


Centurion Caede is an officer of the Romulan Republic Navy, currently assigned as an exchange officer to Starfleet and serving as Chief Operations Officer on the USS Endeavour. A former junior officer with Galae Command, Caede fell in with the Republic soon after the Romulan supernova, and spent years as a soldier serving alongside the Reman Commandos who had likewise given the Republic their loyalty. After his return to starship duty, Caede became trapped by circumstances with the USS Endeavour after a disastrous joint mission, where he helped the ship and crew survive and developed a begrudging respect for Starfleet. With the Klingon Empire stepping up its threats against the Republic, moves were made to bring the Republic Navy and Starfleet closer together, and Caede’s tenure on Endeavour was made more permanent.

Although a dedicated and disciplined soldier, Caede is still blunt and cynical, finding Starfleet often naïve and in need of protecting from themselves. He is the first to suggest a military solution to problems, either through direct force or subterfuge, but brings a pragmatism and talent for problem-solving to any problem, and is learning how to work within Starfleet’s frameworks.