
Profile Overview

Dalen Marjo

Bajoran Cisgender Woman


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Dalen


Chief Operations Officer
USS Odyssey


Dalen Marjo

9th June 2363



Dalen Marjo, a Starfleet officer, serves as the Chief Operations Officer aboard the USS Odyssey. She previously held the role of Assistant Chief Operations Officer on Deep Space Nineteen. An engineer and a keen mathematician, Dalen can swiftly analyze a situation and respond effectively. Born during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Marjo’s technical expertise, a quality that has earned her the respect of her comrades, instils confidence in her abilities. Her straightforward approach makes her exceptionally good at her job, but she can sometimes place herself at a distance from those who serve with her.


Dalen’s striking auburn hair is cut in a short, pixie style that beautifully frames her face with precision. Her sharp, clear eyes are a piercing shade of blue that conveys intense and unwavering focus on her work. Dalen’s posture is always straight and composed, reflecting her disciplined nature. Unlike many of her fellow Bajorans, she does not wear a Bajoran faith earring, signalling a personal choice that distinguishes her from others. Her demeanour is often serious and focused, emphasising her commitment to her role. Dalen always ensures she is smart and presentable in any situation. Her uniform is impeccably maintained, a testament to her meticulousness.

  • Height: 5′ 5″ (1.65 m)
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Hair: Auburn
  • Eyes: Blue


Dalen is a hard-working and highly intelligent officer who is recognised as an invaluable asset to any assignment. Her extraordinary determination and ambition drive her to exceed expectations, often working long hours and going above and beyond in her efforts. As an introvert, Dalen tends to keep to herself, immersing herself intensely in her work. Her colleagues respect her for her unwavering focus and disciplined approach to every task she undertakes.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Despite her reserved nature, those who get to know her appreciate her dry wit, which she occasionally reveals with impeccable timing, offering a glimpse into her sharp and clever mind. Though infrequent, her humour often leaves a lasting impression on her peers.

Dalen’s exceptional intelligence and problem-solving abilities make her a miracle worker as an engineer and operations officer. Her technical expertise is matched only by her analytical prowess, which allows her to tackle complex challenges easily. Dalen’s contributions are consistently remarkable, whether repairing a critical system under pressure or devising a sophisticated analytical model. She is a woman of many talents and skills. 

Her deep-seated commitment to excellence and ability to remain composed under pressure make her a standout member of any crew. While she may not seek the limelight, her impact is felt by those who rely on her skills and dedication. 

Dalen’s personal choice not to wear a Bajoran faith earring stems from her lack of belief in the Prophets, whom she views as mere wormhole aliens. This belief is rooted in a traumatic past; her parents were brutally killed in front of her and her brothers during the closing days of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. Orphaned by this tragedy, Dalen left Bajor and began a new life in the Federation, adopted by human parents. Her experiences have made her prefer her own company, shaping her into the focused and solitary individual she is today. She views the galaxy in a very black-and-white manner. There is no grey area in her view. 

Dalen can be brutal with the truth, never shying away from what she thinks, even if it means making unpopular decisions. She is unphased by the prospect of losing favour with others if it means upholding her principles and achieving her goals for the greater good of the mission or her assignment. Her no-nonsense approach and relentless drive to get on with her work often define her interactions, underscoring her commitment to her duties and the high standards she sets for herself.


Dalen would like to one day transfer to the command division, rise to the rank of captain, and have her own starship.


Political Information

  • Affiliation: Starfleet, United Federation of Planets


  • Mother: Dalen Laren
  • Father: Dalen Chay
  • Brothers: Dalen Antos & Dalen Tobay
  • Adoptive Mother: Nadine Whitman
  • Adoptive Father: Russell Whitman


Early Life

Dalen Marjo was born on Bajor in mid-2363 during the brutal Cardassian occupation. The harsh realities of life marked her early years in a labour camp, where her parents worked tirelessly to shield her and her brothers from the worst of the occupation. Despite the grim circumstances, they tried to provide a sense of normalcy, instilling a deep sense of resilience and hope in their children. However, in 2369, as the Cardassians were withdrawing from Bajor, Marjo’s world was shattered when she witnessed the barbaric killing of her parents at the hands of Cardassian soldiers. The traumatic event left her and her brothers orphaned, their childhoods stolen by brutality and suffering.

In the aftermath, Federation relief workers arrived to offer aid and support to the war-torn Bajoran population. Marjo and her brothers were taken in by two human relief workers who eventually adopted them. The family moved to the Federation world of Minos Korva, where Marjo and her siblings began the difficult process of healing from their trauma. Her new parents were deeply empathetic and nurturing and provided the stability and care the children desperately needed. They promoted Bajoran customs, encouraging the children to maintain a connection to their heritage, even though Marjo found herself increasingly distancing from it.

It was on Minos Korva that Marjo discovered her love for music. Her adoptive father, a talented amateur pianist, introduced her to the instrument, and it quickly became a source of comfort and expression for her. Under his patient guidance, she learned to play the piano, finding solace in the music that filled their home. Over time, she mastered not only classical pieces but also Bajoran music. While she had distanced herself from other aspects of her Bajoran heritage, particularly the faith in the Prophets, music became a cherished link to her past. This would be something that, as she grew older, she would explore further by learning to play Bajoran instruments. 

As Marjo grew older, she focused on academics, excelling in mathematics and science. Her sharp intellect and determination set her apart, and she quickly rose to the top of her class; on the downside, she didn’t have many friends and would only socialise with her peers during lessons. By the time she completed her education, she had set her sights on Starfleet, seeing it as a way to make a difference in a galaxy that had taken so much from her. With the encouragement of her adoptive parents, Marjo applied to Starfleet Academy and was accepted, beginning her journey toward a future defined by service, exploration, and a quest for justice.

Starfleet Career

Starfleet Academy – Tellar Prime Campus

After excelling in mathematics and science during her earlier education, Marjo chose the Starfleet Academy Campus on Tellar Prime for its prestigious engineering program. Known for producing some of Starfleet’s finest engineers, the campus was renowned for its rigorous curriculum and demanding professors. Marjo knew it would be challenging, but she welcomed the opportunity to prove herself. This choice surprised both her parents, who assumed she would go to Earth but supported her decision to go to Tellar Prime. 

She stood out as the only Bajoran in her classes, but she quickly adapted to the planet’s culture. Tellarites were known for their bluntness and direct approach to communication, which could be off-putting to those unfamiliar with it. However, Marjo found their honesty refreshing, a stark contrast to the subtle, often unspoken tensions she had experienced growing up in the aftermath of the Cardassian occupation. The Tellarites’ straightforward nature pushed her to think more critically and confidently respond. She learned to assertively argue her points, a skill that would serve her well in her academic and professional career.

Socially, Marjo faced challenges in her early days at the Academy. While she was respected for her academic achievements, she initially struggled to build close friendships. Her intense focus on her studies and her reserved nature made it difficult for others to get to know her. However, over time, she found a small group of like-minded cadets who shared her passion for engineering and her dedication to Starfleet’s ideals. 

Upon graduation, Marjo had not only gained a strong foundation in engineering and operations but also earned the praise of her professors. They commended her not only for her technical expertise but also for her resilience and determination. This recognition led to several of her professors recommending her for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, a testament to her potential to contribute to the fleet’s most challenging and high-profile projects.

Deep Space Nineteen

Marjo’s posting to Deep Space Nineteen marked a significant chapter in her career, where she began finding her footing within Starfleet. Arriving at the station in 2385, she was immediately struck by the sheer scale and complexity of the operation. Situated on the outskirts of Federation space, Deep Space Ninteen was a bustling hub of activity, a melting pot of different species, cultures, and technologies. The station’s strategic location made it a critical waypoint for ships travelling between Federation space and distant regions of the galaxy, and its importance meant that it was often at the centre of diplomatic and logistical challenges, especially with the Romulans.

Assigned to the operations department, Marjo quickly realised that life on a station vastly differed from her experiences at Starfleet Academy. The station never slept, and the demands of maintaining its systems were relentless. From managing power distribution across multiple sectors to coordinating docking schedules for a constant influx of starships, the job required technical precision and quick thinking. It was here that Marjo’s skills were put to the test daily.

One of the most impactful aspects of her time on DS19 was her mentorship under Commander Gaavrin, the station’s chief operations officer. A veteran engineer from the Dominion War, the Tellarite officer was known for his no-nonsense attitude and deep expertise in station operations. Having been recommended to serve under him by her professors from Tellar Prime, Marjo felt both the weight of their expectations and the challenge of living up to Gaavrin’s high standards. Gaavrin was tough but fair and saw potential in Marjo from the start. Under his guidance, she learned not just the technical aspects of the job but also the importance of adaptability and leadership.

Gaavrin’s mentorship extended beyond the professional. He recognised Marjo’s tendency to isolate herself, immersing herself in work or side projects rather than engaging with her colleagues. Though he respected her dedication, he pushed her to become more involved in the station’s community, encouraging her to take on leadership roles within her team. He believed that to be a great officer, Marjo needed to develop the ability to lead others, not just solve problems independently. This was a lesson that took time for Marjo to embrace fully, but it ultimately shaped her approach to command.

The work on DS19 was both demanding and diverse. Marjo quickly gained a reputation for her ability to troubleshoot complex systems under pressure. Whether it was rerouting power during a crisis, repairing damaged systems after an unexpected ion storm, or overseeing the integration of new technologies into the station’s infrastructure, she excelled in finding solutions where others saw only problems. Her ability to remain calm and composed, even in the most chaotic situations, earned her the respect of her peers and superiors.

Over the years, Marjo took on increasing responsibilities within the operations department. She spearheaded several key projects, including a complete overhaul of the station’s communications array and optimising its energy efficiency protocols. These initiatives not only improved the station’s overall performance but also demonstrated her capability to think strategically about long-term improvements rather than just focusing on immediate fixes. Her work earned her several commendations and promotions, and by 2401, she had risen to the rank of lieutenant commander, serving as Gaavrin’s trusted deputy.

One of the most memorable challenges she faced on DS19 came during a significant diplomatic summit hosted by the station. Representatives from several key powers, including the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Free State, had gathered to negotiate a delicate treaty. During the summit, a critical systems failure threatened to derail the event. The station’s environmental controls began malfunctioning, and temperatures in the wardroom started to rise rapidly. Marjo took charge of the situation, coordinating a team of engineers to diagnose and resolve the issue. Under her leadership, the team identified a fault in the station’s power distribution grid that had caused the environmental controls to overload. Working quickly and efficiently, Marjo directed the necessary repairs and had the system back online before the situation could escalate further. Her quick thinking and effective leadership saved the summit and earned her the personal thanks of the station’s commanding officer, Admiral Jaret, and commendations from several of the delegates.

Despite her successes, Marjo’s time on DS19 wasn’t without its challenges. In early 2401, when Captain Gaavrin announced his retirement, many assumed Marjo would naturally succeed him as the station’s chief operations officer. However, Admiral Jaret ultimately chose an external candidate for the position, a decision that initially left Marjo frustrated and disappointed. She had worked tirelessly to prove herself, and the decision felt like a setback. However, through candid conversations with Gaavrin, Marjo began understanding the reasoning behind the choice.

Gaavrin had advised Admiral Jaret that while Marjo was technically brilliant, she needed to develop her leadership presence further. She tended to focus too much on the technical aspects of her work, sometimes at the expense of engaging with her team or asserting herself in broader station matters. Gaavrin believed that Marjo had the potential to become an exceptional leader but needed to step outside her comfort zone and take more initiative in leading others. Though difficult to hear, this feedback became a turning point for Marjo. She began actively seeking opportunities to refine her leadership skills, taking on more visible roles within the station’s command structure and mentoring junior officers.

USS Odyssey (NCC-80000)

Though she didn’t receive the role she wanted on the station, Marjo’s growth during this period prepared her for the next major chapter of her career. When the USS Odyssey docked at the station needing a new Chief Operations Officer, Admiral Jaret didn’t hesitate to recommend her for the position. The Odyssey, one of the fleet’s largest and most advanced ships, would be a significant step up for Marjo. Though she had never served on a starship before, she saw it as an opportunity to put all she had learned on Deep Space Nineteen into practice on a galactic stage. When Captain Duncan offered her the role, she accepted it immediately. 

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2381 - 2382 First Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Tellar Prime Campus
Cadet Freshman Grade
2382 - 2383 Second Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Tellar Prime Campus
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2383 - 2384 Third Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Coridan Campus
Cadet Junior Grade
2384 - 2385 Fourth Year Cadet Starfleet Academy
Coridan Campus
Cadet Senior Grade
2385 - 2387 Engineering Officer Deep Space 19
2387 - 2392 Operations Shift Officer Deep Space 19
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2392 - 2396 Senior Operations Officer Deep Space 19
2396 - 2401 Assistant Chief Operations Officer Deep Space 19
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Chief Operations Officer USS Odyssey