Part of USS Luna: The New Ship

New Face + New Place

USS Luna
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—- USS Luna, Bridge —-


Captain Adriana Cruz was pensive. She had found the meeting on Acamar frustrating since it was clear that the official government wanted more attention from the Federation and instead they got semi-irregular fly-bys by ships like the USS Luna whose crew or captains would beam down and make bold promises and then beam away. This time Cruz had not even the offered the bold promises of a better tomorrow. There was nothing to suggest that things were going to change and she did not feel like breaking her promise to a bunch of officials she would likely never see again unless she was sent on another tour to make nice.

Her First Officer Klar Dvrack of the Klingon Defense Force had gotten to beam down, rough some criminals up and then beam back so he seemed more relaxed. While Cruz was not naive enough to think that he was settling in perfectly at least he seemed to be fitting in a bit better though she had gotten a complaint from her Hazard Team Leader that he needed to train with them, to keep them all on the same page. It was something she knew would have to be tackled soon, particularly while he was in a good mood.

”We are approaching Romulan space,” said Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Winfield, the Assistant Flight Control Officer who was currently behind the conn flying the ship.

”Hold here. We’re expecting someone,” Cruz said. As with Klar the Romulan Free State had insisted as part of entering their space that an observer and a consultant to join the crew of the USS Luna. She wondered just how mad they’d be if they knew that the Klingons had already inserted someone into the position of First Officer.

“Ma’am,” Winfield said dropping them down from the leisurely warp two that they had been traveling at to a stand still. A few minutes passed but right on time a Romulan Warbird decloaked in front of them, it was old, probably pre-Riker and those crews. Still if it had been on the other side of a fight Cruz did not fancy her chances, the thing was armed to the teeth, and while the Luna was better armed than the Seattle was it was still an explorer at heart, not a warship.

At tactical Chief Security Officer Claudia Jara spoke, “Romulan ship hailing us Captain.”

”On screen,” Cruz said and a stern looking Romulan man appeared on the screen. Cruz was glad that her First Officer was not on the bridge at the moment, as she was hoping to put off explaining that staffing choice for a while longer. Like most Romulans he seemed displeased to be there at all.

”I am Commander Tookval of the Romulan Free State,” he said simply.

”I am Captain Adriana Cruz of the USS Luna, glad to meet you Commander,” Cruz answered adding, “I believe you have someone for my crew?” 

“Yes, Sublieutenant Navan will be joining you while you are in Romulan space, and perhaps beyond. She will offer… advisement on the current political situation here,” Commander Tookval said grinning like a man who found all of this annoying and a waste of time. He was old enough to have been in service before the destruction of the old Romulan Star Empire and likely found working with the Federation distasteful.

”Jara lower shields and we’ll receive the Sublieutenant,” Cruz said glancing behind her at the tactical conn. 

A minute later a slander Romulan woman younger (at least in appearance) than Cruz herself was standing on the bridge holding a duffle bag of sorts similar to the ones that Starfleet officers used to move personal effects when transferring to a new ship. 

“Sublieutenant welcome to the Luna,” Cruz said nodding, and then to the screen, “We have the Sublieutenant Commander, if there’s not anything else I will go now to get her situated and we should discuss her role on the Luna.”

Tookval nodded, “There is nothing. I trust the Sublieutenant to fulfill her mission.”

The screen switched to the sight of the exterior of the Romulan ship which then began to fade as it recloaked. Once it was gone Cruz nodded to Jara, “Raise shields, we still have Klingon raiders in these areas.”

Not the KDF, but there were still factions of the empire who saw the scattered Romulan empire as a new chance for expansion. Jara did as she was told and Cruz indicated that her new officer should follow her into her Ready Room where she called for Klar to join them. 

“Welcome to the Luna,” Cruz said taking a seat.

”I am Sublieutenant Sanra Navan reporting for duty, as a representative of the Romulan Free State,” the Romulan woman said inclining her head slightly in a formal way. She smile, a significantly more sincere seeming action than for Commander had used.

”You are not skeptical of this excercise?” Cruz asked, “I was getting mixed feelings from your Commander.”

Navan nodded, “He is of the old ways, he served on the border with the Federation for many years before the governments changed and attitudes changed. There are still many who are reluctant to see old enemies as…”

She was interrupted by the Klingon Klar entering unannounced, “You wished to see me?”

”We need to have another talk about doors Klar,” Cruz sighed, this part she had wanted to handle delicately. 

Both aliens tensed, it was clear that Klar was thinking of violence and that the Sublieutenant wished she had come over with an energy weapon. They eyed each other, but to the Captain’s relief did not kill each other, yet.

”This is la’ Klar Dvrack of the KDF my First Officer,” Cruz explained, “Klar I explained we’d have a Romulan advisor joining us this is Sublieutenant Navan of the Romulan Free State. I’d also like to remind you that your both allies now“

Cruz added “sort of” under her breath, and the pair continued to glare at each other until finally Navan spoke up.

”It is a pleasure to meet you Klar,” she said and perhaps because it was the most acceptable thing she could do and yet the most insulting to the Klingon she sat down across the desk from Cruz and ignored him. She nodded to the Captain, “I will of course have to report this to my government, I doubt that you will find it has any material effect but they should know what kind of pets you keep.”

”I am not a pet,” Klar said.

Cruz grimaced, she did not want to tell Klar to sit down after that, as the directive would come off as insulting but he could not stand behind Navan and look like he was going to pop off her head for the rest of the meeting.

”I expect that you both file reports with your respective militaries and governments,” Cruz said, “I am no stranger to red tape. But I hope that the three of us can get along, whatever our governments may do.”

Klar nodded finally taking the hint from the daggers that Cruz was staring at him and plopped himself in the remaining empty chair.

”Agreed Cruz,” he said.

”How about Special Advisor on Romulan Affairs,” Cruz said, ”That way you have my ear, and you don’t report in to Klar, as you won’t be part of the ship’s command structure. I’m still the Captain, but you’re not needing to man a post. When we’re on the bridge you can both get a seat.”

Navan nodded, and smiled, “That is most wise Captain.”

Cruz rose, “Alright, Klar you have the bridge, I’ll show Navan to her quarters.”

Klar looked like he wanted to protest, even if only for the sake of fighting, but he finally stood and nodded, “Of course I have the bridge.”


—- VIP Quarters —-


Sublieutenant S’anra Navan looked around and nodded, “These are luxurious, thank you for your hospitality. This is significantly more lush than life as a Sublieutenant aboard a Romulan vessel.”

“My last ship the USS Seattle had much smaller quarters, I‘m still getting used to all the space,” Cruz said, ignoring her own pun on the work ‘space’ and the fact that just beyond the large window lay unchartered (by the Federation) space. She pressed on, “We expect to be at a collapsing star in a few days, we’ll be taking readings which obviously you can also have to share with your scientists.”

”How is your crew adapting to life with a Klingon, and thus how will they adapt to life with another former enemy?” Navan asked.

Cruz smiled, “Klar is okay once you get to know him. He’s finding his footing in the ask questions first and shoot later Starfleet culture. A few months and he’ll be a model XO. As for Romulans, well you’re so close biologically to Vulcans but more…. Personable, that I’m sure you’ll fit in. We have a Romulan Assistant Chief Medical Officer and she’s a part of the crew.”

”I look forward to meeting her,” Navan said.

”Well, she’s umm, I had Starfleet contact your government about it, there’s a colony of Romulans founded in the pre-Kirk-era, that was stranded on the other side of Cardassian space. She remained with them until rescue could be arranged,” Cruz said.

”I will speak with my government about that,” Navan said, “And yes I do understand what you mean by ‘Kirk-era’. My father served on a ship back then, before he became a Senator. Pre-Kirk, well that was before many things.”

Cruz smiled, “I would appreciate that her name is T’Rala. Doctor T’Rala. Oh and please join me for dinner in the lounge after you’re settled.“

”The number of recreational spaces that Starfleet puts on its ship amazes me,” she said, adding, “But of course I will Captain.”