Part of USS Luna: The New Ship

Heal Thy Self

USS Luna, USS Hippocrates
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—- USS Luna, Bridge —-


The large Olympic class ship hovered on the view screen. This close to the Triangle the USS Luna was on yellow alert and had deployed their newly formed Hazard team to the planet’s surface to act as guards alongside a team from the USS Hippocrates. Doctors from the larger Hippocrates were also on the planet’s surface. Though the plan had been a shakedown cruise of Klingon space, charting some spatial anomalies that the Klingons had identified but not been able to study the USS Luna had been instead assigned to a baby sitting mission while a Galaxy-class ship was elsewhere. It was, they were told, just going to be a few days and then they could get under way.

Klar, the Luna’s new First Officer seemed particularly amused that Starfleet medical ships needed defending. After a day though this had given way to a restlessness that found him spending much of his free time in the holodeck fighting computer simulated enemies and breaking both arms (on separate occasions) which Doctor Va’Tok had to fix.

”Come,” he barked as Captain Cruz rang his room’s bell to indicate that he had a visitor.

”I wanted to check on you, Va’Tok said you were upset when you left sickbay,” Cruz said, she took a seat at Klar’s indication on the couch and noticed that he had thus far kept the cushions in his room.

”I am simply not used to inaction,” Klar said, “Or being told to ‘be gentle’ with my arms. Do you know how many bones I have broken?”

”I assume it is a number that I’ll find distressing,” Cruz said smiling softly.

Klar grunted but said nothing.

”I did not anticipate a Klingon First Officer, but you’re my right hand. I need you sharp and not trying to kill yourself in the holodeck,” Cruz said, “And as your friend I’m worried about you.”

”Klingons do not make friends of their First Officers,” Klar said.

”Well it’s usually the First Officer that kills the Captain, am I right? I’m hoping you don’t kill me,” Cruz said.

”One does not hope for life over an honorable death,” Klar countered.

”Okay, well I hope when I die it’s a long time from now and not at your hand,” Cruz said.

Klar rose and paced the room, energy pent up trying to expel itself. Cruz wondered if Klingons meditated and considered suggesting that before deciding that the suggestion might just be what pushed Klar over the edge into actually wanting to kill her and usurp control of the ship, though Starfleet ships did not work that way.

”I have dinner with Captain Mueller did you want to join us?” Cruz asked.

”With the doctor in charge of the medical ship that can not even defend itself, no,” Klar said.

”Well then shape up because while I’m away on the Hippocrates you’re in charge,” Cruz said.

Klar considered this then nodded, “I will be fine. Thank you for your concern sir. Adriana.”


—- USS Hippocrates, Ready Room —-


“Ugh Hawthorne was the worst,” the USS Anaheim’s former Chief Medical Officer said.

”He was difficult, but he had his virtues,” Cruz said not wanting to bring up that she’d been in a relationship with him when she was his First Officer. It was clear that the animosity that Captain Michelle Mueller held for him was real and visceal. She had gone on to run her own ship just before Cruz had joined the crew. 

“Well he’s gone now and you’re much more delightful,” Mueller said.

Cruz smiled and raised a glass of wine, she’d brought the bottle, to her fellow CO, “Thank you ma’am.”

Changing topics she addressed the ship, “This is a nice ship. Clean… big….”

”Not as exciting as a Luna-class, but I was basically running a three hundred person medical department. This is just an extension of that. And the clean thing, this is basically a hospital so Operations has instructions to keep it spic-and-span,” Mueller said.

”These is good tacos,” Cruz observed.

”Medical grade replicators is the secret, we have so many of them on board we can use them for food too. Better than the standard,” Muller said, “It’s why I always ate in Sickbay when I was on the Anaheim.“

”I used to eat in the stellar cartography lab aboard my first ship the USS Victory,” Cruz said, “It was an Obena-class. It‘s stellar cartography lab would project the universe all over, I’d never been off Earth so it was impressive back then.”

“Is that what you’re going for, an Obena class?” Mueller asked, “I mean we’re both ambitious women you have to have goals.”

”My goal was Captain, but yes I’d love to command one. Or one of those new Sagan-class ships,” Cruz said musing about the future.

“A Sutherland-class for me, that’s basically like being dean of an old brick and mortar university,” Mueller said.

”To possible futures,” Cruz said raising her glass.


—- USS Luna, Transport Bay 1 —-


la Klar met the Captain in the transporter bay. He was surprised at her light mood, particularly when she asked him if they had invaded Romulan space while she was away.

”You’re drunk,” he said, “would you like me to escort you to Doctor Va’Tok, he could cure you.”

”Time and a huge headache will cure me,” Cruz said stepping unsteadily off the transporter pad. She was able to walk under her own steam but seemed looser and lighter. Klar glanced at the transporter tech who was trying not to notice.

”Well then I’ll take you to your quarters you’re in no condition to interact with the crew, as amusing as that would be,” he said. He’d seen more than a few commanding officers drunk on Klingon ships, but never on a Starfleet vessel, though his experience there was less than a week along. A Klingon would have carried on with their duty, but it seemed sensible that the Captain should not do so.

”You’re just trying to get into my quarters,” Cruz teased and then nodded, “Lead the way my big scary Klingon warrior.”

They walked along the corridor and then took a turbolift. After a short bit they were inside Captain Adriana Cruz’s quarters.

”These are obscenely large,” Klar noted.

”See I told you, I even have a bath,” Cruz said, “And so many soft cushions, you’d hate it.”

”It is extravagant,” Klar agreed. 

Cruz smiled, “That’s the most Vulcan thing you’ve said.”

”I am not a Vulcan,” Klar rebutted.

“No but you have similar design tastes. We humans like soft things, cushions, tribbles, women,” Cruz said.

”And clearly wine,” Klar said.

”And clearly wine,” agreed the Captain.

”You are in your quarters you will sleep and feel like garbage tomorrow, but you will live Adriana Cruz,” Klar said.

”Okay but while I’m sleeping don’t invade Romulus,” Cruz said taking off her Starfleet jacket and boots. 

Klar looked as if he might stay to see if she undressed more but instead he nodded, “I make no promises.”

He turned and left.