Part of USS Luna: The New Ship

Fleeting Thoughts

SB 85, USS Luna
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—- Briefing Room 2, Starbase 85 —-


The brief jaunt from Starbase 415 to Starbase 85 was uneventful with the USS Luna not straying from deep within Federation space. Once docked with the station some final touches were being worked on by the staff such as further personalization of the Captain’s Ready Room. The senior staff, of which Captain Cruz realized there was a lot of arrived in the briefing room aboard the station where they would go over everything before their initial shakedown cruise and where they were to meet their new first officer. Some of the crew that had been together more or less since the USS Anaheim were starting to feel like the position was cursed. It seemed that every time they got one they were either promoted, quit Starfleet or otherwise vanished. So the mystery officer was the source of much baseless speculation that amounted to nothing.

Calling the group to order Captain Cruz went through her team to make sure they were ready for the task of exploring the Triangle and the worlds beyond Federation space. While they had been able to do some exploring on their way back from being chased through space by the Borg this was their chance to do some real exploration and everyone was excited. A Luna-class ship was the perfect platform for venturing out into the unknown and they’d no longer be overwhelmed by nearly every ship they encountered.

”Lieutenant Avila, how are preparations for the Hazard Team coming?” Cruz asked once the senior crew had settled down.

Rebecca Avila nodded at being asked the question, “We’re starting to gel rather than performing as three separate teams. I’ll be looking at the crew now to see who from the new people will help.“

The team from the USS Seattle was less than a third the crew from the now three hundred and fifty person USS Luna so while they were tight knit they had to learn to bond with the new members. 

“Good that’s what I want you all to do. It’s easy to just rely on the people we’re used to but our crew is bigger now and so is the task at hand,” Cruz said, knowing it would be easy to develop a USS Seattle versus Luna mindset if they did not start on the right foot. She turned to her Security Chief, “How are we tactically?”

Lieutenant Jara nodded, “We’re much better equipped than we were before. It’s a tough ship and no longer the smallest in the fleet. I wouldn’t recommend that we start fights but we can survive them if they come up. Six torpedo launchers in total, six phasers everything has been updated as per Starfleet standard.”

”Engineering?” was the next question.

Young glanced at his PADD, “It’s a reliable ship. It’s maiden voyage there was an accident in the Engineering lab killed the Chief Engineer. No trouble since save the Borg thing on Fleet Day which caused some damage and required the most recent spell in dry dock. It’s beyond what I’d expect though they did a great job fixing it up, modernizing things. Cruising speed is warp seven but we can do warp nine point nine seven five in a pinch. Work is finishing up on your requests for the Captain’s skiff and the shuttles are being delivered after they were destroyed on Fleet Day.“

”On the subject of our shuttles and runabouts. I want us as a ship to come up with a naming convention for them. Captain Riker did ancient Earth jazz musicians, I want ours to say something about the crew,” Cruz said, “Maybe a contest to name them.”

”Flight control?” she said staying on the topic.

”The department is ready. While a few have expressed the sentiment that this ship is not as ‘fun’ as the Seattle to fly the expanded shuttle craft and a runabout will make up for it,” Pr’Nor said.

“On that note I was going to promote Lieutenant Junior Grade Winfield and put him in charge of our small craft, any objections?” Cruz asked.

”None, that is a logical use of human resources,” the Vulcan said.

Before Captain Cruz could change to a new topic the door opened and a large broad Klingon male entered. 

“We are having a meeting,” Cruz said firmly.

”You are waiting for a First Officer, I am la’ Klar of the Klingon Defenshe Force and your new first officer,” he said.

The room was temporarily shocked into silence with only Doctor Va’Tok eventually breaking the silence, “That is unexpected.”

Captain Cruz let the Vulcan doctors words snap her out of her surprised state, the rose and nodded at the Klingon offering him a traditional Klingon military salute of welcome, “I am Captain Adriana Cruz of the USS Luna, welcome. Forgive our surprise, we were not made aware that we were getting a non-Starfleet officer.”

Klar looked around and then declared, “You’re all women, what is this am I being guided to Sto-vo-kor by the Valkyries?”

”Not all of us,” protested Chief Engineer James Young who realized he was quite out numbered. Doctor Va’Tok inclined his head but did not offer any verbal protest.

”A few months ago we suffered a loss during a first contact mission aboard another ship. We’ve adapted but it has left our senior staff less diverse than other ships. However given the long history of Starfleet being predominantly male it is not something that we’ve addressed as of yet. As long as an officer can do a stellar job they’re welcome on my bridge,” Cruz said.

Klar grinned, “Take it as a compliment, to me you are Valkyries, warrior women worthy of serving along side.”

”Again we’re not all women,” Young said and was ignored by the new First Officer.

”On that note unless any section Chief has concerns about their section let’s break and I’ll show the la to his quarters,” Cruz said gathering her belongings.


—- USS Luna, Hallway —-


”It seems a fine ship for what Starfleet uses it for,” Klar said as he and Captain Cruz moved through the corridors after a tour of the highlights of the USS Luna

“Exploring is what I joined Starfleet for,” Cruz said, a white lie that Klar called out immediately.

”I thought it was to avoid prison,” he said.

“You read my file,” Cruz said surprised.

”Of course I am not going to take just any assignment. I would have ended up looking at flowers with Vulcans had I done that. I picked your ship because you seemed spirited,” Klar said.

Along a bend in the hallway they stopped and a door slid open. Cruz gestured for her first officer to enter, and he did taking his duffle bag and bat’leth in with him. He looked around and snorted at the luxury of such large and seemingly comfortable quarters.

”Not to your liking?” Cruz asked.

”No it is fine, just comfortable. Klingon ships are more spartan than this,” he said.

“Well put any cushions or anything you don’t want outside the door and ops will take them away,” Cruz said, “My room is down the hall any even cushier. It’s basically a spa.”

”Sounds grotesque,” Klar said, “But I will keep the cushions, for if I have softer guests such as yourself.”

”I appreciate the gesture,” Cruz said.

”You are not from this sector read up on the Hunters of D’Ghor and the House of Mo’Kai, you will meet them soon enough,” Klar said.

Cruz nodded, “Thank you I will.“

”You humans are going to take some getting used to. I am used to a woman offering a fight when I suggest they read something, or do anything,” Klar said.

Cruz smiled, “I am not used to a Klingon telling me to read.”

”What is the human expression, ’There is a first time for everything’?” Klar said, ”Humans know little of Klingons beyond that which they see in their holonovels.”

”Well I’m happy to learn that everything I knew about Klingons was wrong,” Cruz said.

”Not everything,” Klar said.