Part of USS Seattle: Romulans, Romulans, Romulans

Hide And Seek : Day 24

USS Seattle, Cardassian Space
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—- Officer’s Dining Room —-


The Cardassian slowly took another bite of his Sem’hal stew which the replicators had surprisingly had one file. Captain Ariana Cruz wondered if that was the doing of Lieutenant Commander Dornall who had know that they would have a Cardassian guest or if such things were standard even on ships with no Cardassian crew. She said nothing though, just grateful that they seemed to have a prime selection of Cardassian foods on hand taken from the files of Deep Space Nine.

“I haven’t had good Rokassa juice like this in years,” the man said taking a sip of his beverage. 

Cruz was not sure how good the replicator was at producing ethnic foods, it often had issues with Mexican cuisine that weren’t as commonly known like taco, but she supposed when you’d been in jail since the Dominion War even bad replicator food could taste sweet.

“May I ask Legate Vanvok, why you were not let out when the governments changed,” Cruz asked.

”Just Vanvok, I‘m not a Legate any longer. While the governments have changed, there’s one law that’s unforgivable in Cardassian society, and that’s betraying your people,” he said, then added, “Even if I betrayed the Dominion and not Cardassia.”

Lieutenant Commander Jake Dornall smiled, “You’re free now, finally.”

”We’re not out of Cardassian space yet,” Cruz reminded them. As they dined the USS Seattle was trying to navigate Cardassian space unseen using its long range sensors to keep from being spotted by any other ships. It was making for a slow, and harrowing journey as they changed course, backtracked and slowly moved towards Federation territory and safety. 

“We are glad to have you though,” Lieutenant Yuhiro Kolem said, the Chief Counselor trying to ensure that everyone felt welcome.

”I am grateful for the risk you have all taken,” Vanvok said nodding.

Captain Cruz nodded but did not say anything. She understood the value in Starfleet saving those that had helped it but they were now risking the lives of ninety officers for one old Cardassian, let alone the risk of further conflict if Starfleet was proved to be behind the attack on the prison. Sure she had not been a part of the conflict with the Dominion, and so did not have the loyalty to Vanvok that Dornall seemed to but the risk of this mission did not seem worth it to her.

”So do you have any plans for your freedom?” asked the ship’s Chief Diplomatic Officer Diya Acharya. 

“It is not much freedom, as I will not be able to return to Cardassia Prime,” Vanvok said, “I suppose I will visit Earth, see what it is you humans like so much.”

Cruz’s comm badge beeped, as the bridge called, “Captain we are entering Federation space.”

Rising she nodded at those assembled, “If you’ll excuse me, once we’re back in Federation space I need to establish contact with Starfleet Command.”


—- Bridge —-


“Nice monkey suit,” teased Commander Th’risris as Captain Cruz entered the bridge still in her dress uniform. The Andorian woman stood exiting the Captain’s chair and nodded at the Captain as she took her seat in the center of the bridge.

“Establish a connection with Commodore Jalian,” Cruz said. A moment later the Saurian female was on screen.

”Captain, I see you made it out okay,” Jalian said.

”We did, and we have the cargo,” Cruz said, being coy about what it was they picked up. Long distance comms were not always secure and so it was best not to talk about sensitive things on a channel like this.

”A bit of a change of plans,“ Jalian said, “You’re being transferred to Task Force 86 and are to take your cargo to Starbase 415. Following your arrival and the cargo’s transfer you’ll be contacted by Commodore Chiffao Tharc who will be your new CO.”

Cruz nodded, “More pirate stuff there, less exploration.”

”Task Force 86 deals largely with defending the Federation often from criminal organizations. I’m sure you’ll be useful,” Jalian said.

”Of course, we’ll adjust our heading now,” the Captain nodded, glancing at her Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Lieutenant Thomas Winfield.

”Good luck Captain,” Jalian said and then ended the transmission.


—- Nine Forward, Lounge —-


“I think you’ve had enough wine,” Yuhiro Kolem said as she finished her own glass. Not being synthahol she could feel its intoxicating effects and one did not need to be empathic to see that Lieutenant Commander Jake Dornall was also feeling them, if not more so.

”It’s rare you get decent booze out here,” he said pouring himself another glass and finishing off the bottle of red wine. 

“Captain Cruz got a stock when she got a new family,” Kolem said.

”And a winery,” Dornall added, though he’d not been aboard the USS Seattle when that had happened he was well aware of the sudden good fortune of the ship’s Captain. He had had his choose of ship’s to take into Cardassian space for this mission, he was not about to admit that easy access to good wine had put the Seattle over the top.

“I still don’t get why this is called Nine Forward when you only have eight decks,” Dornall said.

“It’s clever,” Kolem said.

”It’s just inaccurate,” Dornall rebutted.

”You’re inaccurate,” Kolem rebutted back. 

Dornall kissed her, “Is that your professional opinion Counselor?”

“I’m not your doctor,” Kolem said, “Besides all you spies erect boundaries to keep me out.”

Dornall smiled, “Admit it, that’s what makes me interesting.”

”I like an open book,” Kolem said teasingly.

”Well I just liberated a Cardassian Prison. I’m looking to blow off some steam,“ Dornall said, “Is that open enough for you?”

Kolem nodded, “For now.”