Part of USS Eagle: Mission 7 – Wedding Bells

The Short Version

Starbase 93
July 2401
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Doctor Lori Weaver stepped into the temporary office Captain Kirby was using while the crew of the Eagle was on a short break on Starbase 93.

“Ah, Lori, please sit,” said Kirby as he stood up, a smile on his face.

Sitting down and placing a PADD on the desk, Lori couldn’t help noticing his smile.  “I have my final reports on the senior staff.”

Kirby eyed the PADD.  “Give me the short version and I’ll read the full report later today.”  He sat back in his chair.

“The short version?  Everyone was scared out of their minds, but they’re cleared for duty.  Well, everyone but Nick.  Okay, maybe not Izi either, but I don’t mind saying I was close to wetting myself.”

Kirby blinked several times.  He clearly didn’t expect that.  “Perhaps a bit less short, Doctor.”

“You know how it is,” said Weaver.  “Just hearing the word Borg sends shivers down your spine and nightmares into your soul.”

Kirby nodded, a grim expression on his face.

“We were sent to try to find one of their ships  The tension on the bridge was so thick, it felt almost like a physical presence,” said Weaver.

“Yes, but they did their jobs.  They’re a good crew,” said Kirby.

“Yes, we are.”

Kirby chuckled.

“When the sphere turned around and came after us, sending a drone onto the bridge, we all thought that was it.”  Weaver shivered.  “Izi was ready to go down fighting.  Ever since Nick came back from leave, he’s seemed, well, happy.  I’m not sure why and he won’t talk about it.  I asked Izi, but she said it’s Nick’s story to tell.”  Weaver shrugged.  “I’m most concerned about Haia.  She’s always laid back and nothing seems to bother her, but the drone threw her off her chair and onto the floor.  I don’t think she’s gotten over that yet.”

“Will it affect how she performs her duties?  Should I leave her here for awhile?” said Kirby.

“No, I think leaving her for more counseling will make her feel broken.  She’s an overachiever not accustomed to failing at anything.  Haia needs to keep working.”

“Okay.”  There were a few seconds of silence before Kirby continued.  “What about you?”

“Me?  Pfft!  I’m fine.  I was a drug lord.  Twice.  I got over it, so what’s a Borg drone hacking our personnel files compared to that?”

“And you didn’t wet yourself.”

Weaver’s eyes widened in shock, but she burst out laughing.

“All right then,” said Kirby.  “We have a new assignment.  We leave day after tomorrow once the engineering crews are finished with minor repairs and upgrades.”

“Please tell me it’s not another supply run,” said Weaver.

“It’s not another supply run.  We’re going to a wedding.”