Part of USS Olympic: Echoes of the Collective and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

EOTC 004 – What Do We Do?

Station KGI698781 / USS Mackenzie
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“I did not have a killer Betazoid Drone on my Bingo card.”  Chief Medical Officer Leopold Halsey mused as he sat in the conference room.  “Whoever they have in their science division is either incredibly talented or mad.”

Executive Officer Helena Dread had been reading the reports from the away team.  “They’re probably dead.  He killed forty-nine of them before they managed to get away.  Whoever was at the front of the experimentation was close to our new friend.”  She tapped at the PADD, “The question we have to answer now is…what do we do with him?”

Halsey wasn’t sure, “According to our science and medical teams – he’s alive in one sense…but in others…he’s not.  The Syndicate operators restored his language centers…but also input a…personality to replicate a docile patient.”  He was starting to lead toward the operators as incredibly mad.

Dread replied, “So somewhere in that mess of Borg and Syndicate programming is the real person who existed before assimilation.”

Leopold emphasized, “Somewhere, indeed.  The problem is…you never know if they’re still in there.  There are plenty of examples of Borg drones developing their personality after being removed from the Collective and living a life.  This…isn’t something that’s been done before.  Whatever personality they put in there wasn’t completely docile…there were some sociopathic elements they forgot to clean out.”

Helena sat back in her chair.  She wondered, “What if it wasn’t a mistake?  What if that personality was intended…they just didn’t realize how quickly the Borg Drone would accept and then use the personality.”

Halsey stared at her, “That…that is terrifying.  The Syndicate was trying to build sociopathic Borg Drones to do their bidding and command…but they forgot how smart the Borg can be…and it ended up blowing up in their face.”  He observed dryly, “Couldn’t have happened to a better group of idiots.”

Dread circled back, her eyes showing her concern, “We still haven’t answered the question.  What do we do with him?”

The chief medical officer sighed, “I think we give him the option to find his true self…and release him from the Borg and Syndicate life.”

“And if he refuses?”

Halsey wasn’t sure he liked the answer they’d have to give.  Someone who wasn’t bound to the Laws of Telepathy was unsettling.  Something that had killed to get what he wanted was another layer.  If they couldn’t get the drone to understand how much of a danger he was…they couldn’t let him leave the station.