Part of USS Triumph: No Designation and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

13 – No Designation

USS Triumph
June 2401
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The Triumph had been waiting the last couple of days on word from the away team at Freecloud. Tensions were high with the senior staff with the knowledge of the Borg becoming active again, searching for homing signals that had activated. A couple popped up but disappeared once they arrived in the sector. Zann Raro had decided to host a poker night in the senior staff lounge for those who wished to join. She hoped to get people to relax and be able to get their minds off of things they couldn’t control.

Zann had arrived several minutes early to get things set up, the lounge was empty as a few of the senior staff that were usually here at this time were a part of the away team. After setting up the poker table she began to order drinks that she discovered that the others enjoyed drinking and set them at their places. She also placed some snacks around the table so they had something to munch on while they played. Once she finished she sat down in her spot and waited for the others to show up.

Zann was a petite Bolian woman who was soft-spoken yet outgoing and had a bubbly personality even in times of tension. She tended to think of the bright side of things even when situations didn’t seem to have a bright side. She had a good sense of humor, always trying to make others laugh, breaking the tensions that many feel when things are stressful.

A short time later the doors opened to the lounge revealing those who had agreed to participate. They felt it was a good idea to help them unwind from a stressful situation. Having an outlet to relieve those tensions was always a good thing and sometimes needed. “Wow this looks lovely,” Kriia commented as she noticed that she had everything set up.

“And you knew what we liked to drink,” Zilan said as Zann noticed her excitement with a small clap of her hands and a squee that had escaped her lips.

“Thanks for hosting this,” Zain replied with a soft smile.

“Glad you guys could join me,” Zann replied as they sat down in their spots. “I figured it would be a nice unwind from everything.” She added looking at the others who just nodded in agreement.

“We should do this more often,” Zilan suggested.

“I wouldn’t mind this becoming a more regular thing, maybe even get the others that are currently not here,” Zann added.

“Not a bad idea,” Kriia said.

Zann smiled as she remembered her last assignment different groups would always host a night for games. This helped others to unwind and relieve tensions that might have taken place during a mission. She heard that some of the junior officers were doing the same but hadn’t heard of any of the senior staff doing something of the sort. Taking a piece of one of the snacks that was to the right of her, she began to deal out the cards.

Once the game had started each one began checking their cards to see what they currently had. They began laying down cards and requesting new ones before betting began. Zann looked at her cards for a moment, she had pretty decent cards. “I bet twenty,” she said as she slid the chips to the middle of the table.

“I see your twenty and raise you ten,” Zain replied, sliding chips to the middle.

Zann could see the other two thinking as they looked at their cards they put their chips into the middle. The games would continue for several hours with them having a good time with loads of laughing and drinking in the mix.

“Sir,” Khadija spoke up from the communications station looking at the commander. “We have an incoming encrypted transmission from Aldore,” she said.

“Put it through,” Aleish replied as the viewscreen changed from the view of space to that of Chon’al who was currently on the Aldore. “Commander, is everything alright?” She asked.

I have orders from the Captain,” Chon’al said looking at Aleish. “The auction is larger than we had expected and we are in no capacity to take it down ourselves.” Chon’al began before pausing for a moment. “The Captain wants the Triumph to mask their warp signature and proceed to Freecloud,” Chon’al added.

“Understood, anything else?” Aleish asked.

Just to arrive shortly after the start of the auction and wait for her signal,” Chon’al replied looking at her.

I can send you information to disguise your warp signature to appear to be a Romulan ship,” Sorath spoke up with an apologetic look to Chon’al. 

“That would be very helpful, thank you,” Aleish replied. “We will see you soon,” she added before the communication channel ended. Shortly after they received the information that Sorath had sent. Aleish sat there momentarily before looking over at Savu who was covering for Zhayva. “Can you get to work on masking our warp signature?”

Savu looked at the file they received, “It will take me a few minutes but I can get it done.” Savu replied, looking up at the commander.

“Good,” Aleish replied as Savu got to work on making the adjustments to their warp signature. Silence befell the bridge for what seemed like the umpteenth time. Everyone sat at their stations patiently waiting for Savu to complete her work. Tense moments had passed until Savu completed her work.

“I have finished, we now will come across as a Romulan ship,” Savu said as she broke the silence.

Aleish nodded before turning her attention to Lieutenant Bosan. “Set a course for Freecloud maximum warp.”

“Aye sir,” William Bosan replied, tapping a few buttons. “Course and speed laid in,” he said.

“Engage,” Aleish ordered a short time later the Triumph jumped to warp heading towards Freecloud. They would arrive exactly when they need to and should receive the word shortly after before they are fully discovered. Aleish tapped her commbadge, “Commander Trol to Lieutenant Kraha.”

Go ahead Commander,” Zain replied.

“We are currently heading to Freecloud. I need you to prepare your security officers to beam down the moment we get the signal,” Aleish said.

Understood,” Zain said.

“Make sure that all weapons are sent to stun,” Aleish expressed the need for no blood to be shed and that they would be taking them into custody.

You got it,” Zaid replied with a complete understanding of his orders as the channel was closed.


  • The poker game offered a brief reprieve, but now it’s time to Lieutenant Kraha to prepare the troops. Freecloud awaits! That said, the poker game was a nice break away here, both as far as showing us some of the less-featured members of staff, as well as highlighting how light distractions like a card game and some drinks are often used to cope during tense times.

    December 3, 2023