Part of USS Seattle: Exit, Pursued by a Cube and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg


USS Seattle Unexplored Space
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—- Ready Room —-


“There is not scenario we have where we can mount a rescue of the away team,” Lieuntenant Eleanor Dorian said firmly. She understood the Commander was wanting a Picard like rescue, but the idea of rushing in with the Borg still in the sector was a no go. For now hiding in the radiation field that blocked both outgoing and incoming sensors was their only option where the USS Seattle survived.

Lieutenant Claudia Jara nodded, “I agree with Dorian, even taking that Nirvana out, well it puts the ship in danger, as if the crew on that mission gets assimilated then the Borg know where we are.”

”It’s possible the Borg already know where we are the Captain knew our plan as did Washburn Debub,” Commander Cruz pointed out.

The Andorian Security Chief and now First Officer Kan Th’kaotross spoke, “Yes, but we would only be adding to the potential that the Borg look for us. Our crew is minuscule for a Cube, it would not bother with one hundred individual organics unless they kept bothering them.”

”Anyway we can see what’s going on?” Cruz asked, “Can we send out a probe or something?”

”You would need to speak with Lieutenant Young in Engineering, but the thing is we can’t see out and they can’t see in, we selected this spot very much for that reason,” Jara pointed out.

Cruz nodded, “Okay, thank you. Dorian, Jara. I need to speak with Th’kaotross for a moment.”

After the two left the sighed, “Well you’re the new First Officer, congratulations.”

”It is unclear that the Captain is lost,“ Th’Kaotross said.

”No, but we don’t have the luxury of waiting, even if we’re not moving. Until he returns you’re the XO, I need you to agree with me in public, but tell me when I’m wrong in private. Understood?” Cruz said.

Th’Kaotross nodded, “I understand the duties. So to that end, the Captain made a choice, and you being on that mission instead of him wouldn’t have changed anything. We just lost our lead on the Borg.”

“Forty eight hours, then I’m taking the Nirvana and looking outside. Hopefully the Borg are gone by then,” Cruz said.

Th’kaotross knew when arguing wouldn’t help, and just nodded, “Sir.”

”Thank you,” Cruz said looking around the Ready Room which was so very much designed for its previous owner. Hopefully Nathanial Hawthorne would be returning.


—- Nine Forward, Lounge —-


Space looked pink, because of the radiation from the twin stars, but it was an obscured view as well with meteors floating around the ship. Everyone knew that they had lost the ship’s Captain and that the Borg were out there, beyond physical sight range going who knows what. Most of the talk was at just how large the Borg Cube had been. 

The crew had all seen other ships, but this was something different. The Seattle was a smaller ship in Starfleet’s lineup but it barely registered against the massive Borg Cube. Tens of thousands or even a larger number of drones must be onboard. Waiting to assimilate whatever world their turned their eyes to.

Tension was still present aboard the Seattle. This whole thing had been different, if it had been a Romulan or Klingon warship pursuing them the crew would have been fine. But things were different with the Borg, even more than the Cardassians or Romulans they were relentless and the things of nightmares. Now they were hiding and waiting, and all it had cost them was their Captain.

Lieutenant Zi Yhang sat with his drink looking out into the worlds beyond the ship. Beyond his eyesight was the enemy and the Captain along with his friend Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Thomas Winfield who had been flying the Soundgarden. It was a small ship already, and tonight it seemed smaller.

Lieutenant James Young the Chief Engineering Officer and Lieutenant Doctor T’Rala joined him. 

“What’s engineering up to?” Yhang asked.

”Maintenance, this radiation is weird, and we’ve been pushing the engines hard. I want to make sure they’ll do what we want when we want,” Young explained.

”Heck of a time to lose three senior science officers,” T’Rala said.

”How so?” Young asked, not that there was ever a good time to lose a shuttle full of officers.

”We have no idea what the physiological results of being exposed to this radiation, even with our low levels of shielding,” T’Rala said, “medical we can test but the science department has the full labs to do this.”

”So what you’re saying is we could all be changed into cats or something?” Yhang asked.

”Yes, we’ll all be cats, that’s what I’m saying,” T’Rala shook her head and smiled, it felt good to joke even if about something so threatening.


— Medical Lab —-


“So what, is there a way to reverse it?” Commander Cruz asked.

”No, not yet. I will continue to study it but Lieutenant Debub would have been better suited to this,” Doctor Va’Tok said, “But as I say this radiation in humans seems to suppress the parts of the brain suited to long term planning, making more short term satisfaction of paramount importance.”

”How long until this begins to affect us?” Cruz asked.

”It already has. Though I suspect humans are more susceptible to this effect,“ the Doctor said, “Leaving the radiation field will reverse the effects almost instantly however.”

”But bring us face to face with a Borg Cube,” Cruz said.

”Yes,” Va’Tok nodded, “Also please refrain from rubbing my arm, I am not a potential romantic partner.”

Cruz stepped back, nodding “Right, apologies, my body. Umm can we block this radiation somehow?”

”As is my answer to most things about this radiation I should more research is needed,” Va’Tok said.

”I want a list of potential courses of action on my desk as soon as possible,” Cruz said and then trying to stay official and formal marched out of sickbay.

Cruz was not sure how she had not noticed the radiation’s affect on the crew. Exiting sickbay the halls were filled with junior officers with rolled up sleeves or even making out on duty. They stopped as the new CO approached, but it was clear that things were falling apart. They needed to get out of their, but they also needed to stay put least the Borg find them.

Entering the turbolift she fond Lieutenant Jara looking lost, “What is the matter Lieutenant?”

Jara blinked, “I forgot all the what do you call then?”

”Deck numbers?” asked Cruz.

”That’s it yeah,” Jara nodded.

”The ship’s computer will tell you,” Cruz said, to demonstrate she spoke, “Computer what deck is Lieutenant Jara’s room on.”

The computer calmly chimed the answer.

”Where you going to your room?” Cruz asked.

The Assistant Strategic Operations Officer blinked confused, “My room? I guess, I’m sorry my mind seem…” 

”It’s the radiation, it’s affecting us all, I just felt up Va’Tok’s arm,” Cruz said.

”How’s he like that?” Jara asked.

”He did not, he’s still very much a Vulcan,” Cruz said, wrapping her arm around Jara and ordering the turbolift to the floor for her room.

”I like you Commander, too bad you won’t,” Jara said then stopped, “too bad you’re traditional.”

The turbolift doors slid open, and the two women walked out. Cruz supported Jara’s weight, “Traditional?”

”You know, not a lesbian. I was being clever,” Jara said.

Cruz nodded, helping the Lieutenant into her room, “I’m… not a lesbian.”

Jara nodded then kissed the Commander anyway and the Commander kissed her back. The door to the hallway slid closed leaving the two women alone.


—- Bridge —-


“We need a contingency plan,” Doctor Va’Tok said, he was concerned, rightfully about the Commander’s ability to command the ship.

Pr’Nor the Vulcan Flight Control Officer frowned, “You are talking about mutiny?”

”No, simply safeguarding the ship, while the Commander is incapacitated. The radiation’s affect on us seems to be slower,” Va’Tok said.

Doctor T’Rala sighed, the Romulan not wanting to take over the ship, “Okay so what’s this look like.”

”In thirty-two hours we should be able to exit the radiation field. We keep the humans from blowing us up until then that is all I’m proposing,” Va’Tok said.

The Andorian Security Chief was the ranking officer there, and Th’kaotross said, “Fine, but just that. Thirty-two hours of babysitting the humans and then we exit and they’ll be better.”