Part of USS Tokyo: M2: Infection and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

12) Interested Fear

USS Tokyo - Personal Quarters
June 240
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The dimmed light showed a room that was an utter mess, with tools on the floor, PADDS of schematics on the table, and unfinished pet projects. This is definitely the room of an engineer, the room of Yozria. She liked it as simplistic and minimalistic and only needed what she saw as applicable. So paintings or art is something you wouldn’t find in her room, and it didn’t fit her profile. 

Walking into the room, Yozria threw her jacket onto the couch and slapped her with both hands in her face. “Okay, okay, calm down, girl, let’s get this show on the road. What do I need?” She looked around. It was a long time since she felt excited about something. Walking to a workbench, she grabbed her toolkit belt and placed it in her bag. “Need that” She said to herself while going through her personal tools.

It didn’t take her long until she got the required tools into her bag. “Okay, not too many things, or it might slow me down. I still have to…” Yozria looked around. “Ah,” She leans over some metal scraps and pulls out a long tool. She inspected it and took a second. “Nah, impracticable. I need to be flexible.” And like that, throw it aside as it clatters onto the metal scraps.

But the green glow sneaks slowly into her room. Yozria looked at her side and looked out of the window. She loved her room view. It had a perfect view of the warp engine. Her eyes slowly went up, and she saw the broken cube. She felt a chill through her body as she looked at the monstrous size of the object. It might be broken, but its severe threat still lingered. “I….I need to stay focused. Yes, it is a treasure of technology.” She turned around, grabbed her bag, and tapped her other hand onto the table.

“But it is also a dead trap. The Borg can do horrible things to me. Cutting off my hand, I need my hand,” She muttered as she grabbed another tool, putting it into the bag. “Though on the flip side, the Borg is known to provide nice attachments that could benefit the work that I am doing?” She blinked and looked at the cube again. “Would the Captain allow me to hold onto those upgrades? Do they consider upgrades or attachments?” Her mind was totally in chaos of both excitement and fear. 

Taking a deep breath as she walked with the bag to the door, “I can discuss the options with the Captain. Would such an upgrade hurt a lot?” Yozria walked out of her quarters in the direction of the transport room. She only had a small open window to prepare for this away team. “I only have read minor reports on the degree of Borg technology.” She smiled to herself and nodded. “This will be soooo cool.” Yet that fear was still in the back of her mind. The question of….what if.  



  • Short and sweet - and effective! I like getting the inside story from her head and her eyes as we ride along through her thoughts, ideas, and feelings. It's an effective way to get the reader to either like the character or hate them - in this case, I like her and want to see more about what she's thinking and going to do - lots of mystery here and more to certainly come. Nice work!

    November 9, 2023