Part of USS Tokyo: M2: Infection and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

7) Overprotection

USS Tokyo - Bridge
June 2401
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The preparations for this journey were almost ready. The crew was gathering the material for the trip into Delta Quadrant. The medical team was at Starbase 38 to get their knowledge up to date regarding the Borg assimilation progression of the humanoid body. Security was busy with Engineering to get the Tokyo ready based on the latest data they had of Delta Quadrant and the Borg. Sujian shrugged at the console and leaned on it for a moment. “This damn alignment is taking forever…” 

“Take a breath, bro. It won't speed up if you keep repeating yourself every five minutes.” Yozria didn't look at him but was following the alignment that her team was doing on the hull.

He shrugged at the comment, “You do know that our deadline of jumping through that wormhole is closing in, right? We still have a lot to do before we are actually going to undock and get into the most dangerous place that might exist." Sujian did not happen that Starfleet had given the mission to them, but they understood at the other side the reasoning for it. “Btw stop calling me bro. I am your senior here, so call me by rank.” He glared in her direction.

Feeling that glare burn at her side, Yozria smiled. “You are still my brother. That doesn't change any rank or position. What are you going to do, bro? File a complaint about me, Bro? Or are you asking for a transport BRO? Maybe you want me out of Starfleet B.R.O…." Spelling the last few letters to get under his skin and seeing it was working gave her a grin on her face.

“Just stop it!” He slammed on his console, annoyed by it. “I earned this rank. Freaking use it” Sujian felt embarrassed that his little sister was trying to get under his skin yet again and was actually succeeding.

“Well, there is one vital error in your judgment from earlier, ”Yozria ignored her brother's plead to stop as she continued to monitor the alignment. "The dangerous location, in my opinion, would be an unimatrix. You do not want to be in the middle of that clusterf*ck. So going to this graveyard might be dangerous, yes, but it would be a walk in the park in comparison to an unimatrix. 

He didn't want to admit to that statement, but for Sujian, an unimatrix was the last place he wanted to go to. The stories of Xb's and the USS Voyager would give him chills. But the thing is, while it was a walk through the park. Sujian took a deep breath, looked at Yozria, and shrugged. 

“What?” Yozria spoke, not looking back. “Worried about something, bro?” 

Looking back at his console and approving some requests, “No, nothing worries me.” He was lying. He didn't mind having his sister on the same ship. He promised his father to take care of her.  Yet going into dangerous areas that could potentially injure her or, worse, kill her was the very fear he had to carry for every single day. 

Finally, she looked up from her console and let out a heavy breath. Yozria felt annoyed as she had known her brother longer than today. “Look, I can manage myself quite well. If anything, I have proven myself already a few times. The Romulan crisis? The Lost Fleet? Heck, even the Frontier Crisis…I am still here.” Yozria had turned her attention to her brother. “Stop getting on my back and being the overprotective brother already. I have earned myself into this position also.” 

“I am not doing anything of such kind.” Sujian bites back at her and swipes another request away. “But I must protect every single member of this ship, and you are no exception to that line, Lieutenant.” 

“Oh, get off that high chair already.” Yozria shook her head, looking back at her console and allowing the team to proceed with the next alignment. “We both know that is not true. You pay special attention when it comes to me. How many times have you blocked away teams into potentially dangerous areas? How many times have you advised the captain to avoid any conflict? It is not because Towalr is a chicken and was supporting your advice. It is because you are worried that when the ship gets hit, I will be injured.” 

Letting out a heavy sigh to that, Sujian couldn't figure out his sister's problem. Was it such a high crime to protect your family from danger? “I do this for every crew member, Lieutenant.” He tried to defend himself again from the argument. But deep inside, he knew that it was not going to be strong enough.

“Tell me this then because we both know how this will roll. Someone has to get on one of the wrecks of a Borg vessel. Are you going to argue against the Captain that you don't think I can do my job?” Yozria hoped he would answer this correctly and swiped some information and connections at her console to improve the process.

“I would not…” Sujian shrugged at his answer. “But I think there are more ables and experienced officers who could do that. This ship needs its Chief Engineer…”

“… Really!” Yozria felt her eyes get watery as she looked at him in full frustration. “Are you really saying that now?! Am I not good enough to do such a mission? I am only good to stay on the ship and do some repairs. Commander…” She bites her lower lip for a second “…will you stand in the way of Captain Yoon-Jung if she ordered me to go?”

He could see the emotional build-up on his sister's face and felt guilty immediately for causing her this. He didn't mean it that way, but he also knew that if any of the crew would be fitted for the away mission, she was the best qualified. But in the back of Sujian head, he could not say it. He shrugged and looked away slowly, giving a nod. “Yes, I would argue with the Captain about that.” 

“Well, f*ck you, Commander.” Yozria stood up from her spot. “I will take my work to Engineering.” She walked into the turbolift “Engineering.” The door closed behind her without a second for anyone to respond.

Wanting to say something, but the words didn't get out of him, Sujian looked at an Ensign. “What? Got also an opinion to share?” The Ensign turned around, shaking his head. “Thought so…" He shrugged again and knew he would be in a dilemma because the Captain would most likely be asked Yozria to go. A place out of his reach….or was it? 


  • I'm really enjoying the sibling tension you're creating in this post. It will be interesting to see how this pans out in the future and if it causes issues overall. The teasing that she was giving her brother was excellent and felt just right for a little sister. Great post, and good continuation of an already exciting story :D

    November 2, 2023