Part of USS Resolute: Required Compliance and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

1 – Artefact 201

SS Robert Walton - Civilian Science Research Vessel
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She hated the artefact. It gave her the creeps with its… well, Sarissa couldn’t say the thing had a dead-eyed stare, because it didn’t have eyes. It had, once, before assimilation and then the neurolytic pathogen. Now it just sat there, looking at her even though she turned her back and carried on with her work. 

“Sarissa?” Her grandfather called out from the other lab. He had another of the artefacts in there and was dissecting it. She refused to go in there. That one had been younger, possibly around her own age. It gave her the shivers. 

“Yeah?” she called out, with as much teen boredom as she could muster. Like everything was just too much effort. If she could prompt her grandfather into one of his ‘you’re so ungrateful’ lectures, perhaps he would send her to her room and she wouldn’t have to carry on matching these hated samples. 

“Did you take your medication yet?”

Shit. She grabbed for her wrist-comp, and turned it around to look at the screen. The timer was in the red. She was supposed to wear it all the time to monitor her bio-systems and notify her when she was due for meds, but it was just too big and bulky when she was working, so she always took it off. 

“Doing it now!” she called out, strapping the thing back on and heading over to the meds cabinet. She skirted around the head on the counter, ignoring the artefact as much as she could. Halfway there, she paused and half turned, looking back. 

“Grandfather…” she called out warily, not taking her eyes off the artefact. “Are you running tests on 201?” 

She held her breath as she waited for an answer, watching the lights flicker softly across the implants that snaked across the skull. Most of the flesh was long gone, the rest damaged by bad attempts to preserve it, something her grandfather often moaned about. But, if given the sources he got the artefacts from, they were lucky to get them even in this condition. 

“On 201?” He called back absently. “No, I have 206 in here. Why?”

Her eyes widened. If her grandfather wasn’t running tests on 201, that meant that there was no external power to the artefact…

“You…” her voice squeaked and she swallowed. “You need to come in here and see this.”

“I’m a little busy, Sarissa. This is a very difficult part of the extraction process,” he snapped. “For god’s sake, your mother was just like this. Couldn’t do a thing on her own. Just deal with whatever it is.” 

She nodded even though he couldn’t see her, sliding to the side, her back against the cool panel of the meds cabinet as she reached for the fire extinguisher on the wall. It was a cryo-foam one, designed for labs in case experiments went wrong. She was terrified of touching them after grandfather had demonstrated what they did to living flesh on a lab rat, but she was more scared of 201 as more and more lights flashed across the implants. 

Then it moved and she squeaked, grabbing for the extinguisher. Not, that was wrong. It couldn’t move, it was bolted into the holding plate on the counter. It couldn’t move… definitely couldn’t move. Her eyes were deceiving her into thinking it was. 

She flicked the guard clip out of the extinguisher by feel as she crept forward, both trying to give the artefact a wide berth and get close enough with the nozzle of the extinguisher at the same time. 

She edged around the counter, her heart pounding violently at the cage of her ribs, like a bird desperate to be free. She should have taken her meds, her heart wasn’t as strong as a normal person’s thanks to her condition. 

201 turned, lifting itself free of the mounting plate on tentacles and she screamed, hitting the trigger on the fire extinguisher at the same time something stabbed deep into her ankle… 


  • This story was truly instructional on how to craft a mounting dread that crashes directly into a jumpscare. The balance between Sarissa's informality and her casual dehumanization of the artifacts gave me an uneasy feeling right from the start. All the spiky edges to her relationship with her grandfather was added with such precision, such tiny moments that revealed so much about the characters. The delicious inversion of her greatest weapon against artifact 201 being just as dangerous to her as it is to the aritfact. So creepy. This is gonna be a scary one, huh??

    October 28, 2023
  • What a way to start; you made the whole situation just a little creepy and tense, then you go and wake artefact 201 up, just the sort of thing you need with Halloween just a couple of days away.

    October 29, 2023
  • Forget Artefact 201, this is lesson 1-0-1 in how to write an opening! Talk about starting with a bang. I don't think I'm going to get the image of the artefact crawling on tentacles out of my head for a long time. I am intrigued to find out more about her relationship with her grandfather, and the 'condition' she has, but I have a feeling we may not get answers to those questions if the artefacts have anything to say about it. Looking forward to more!

    October 29, 2023
  • Wow, this was as creepy as it could get, from the very first line ("well, Sarissa couldn’t say the thing had a dead-eyed stare, because it didn’t have eyes. It had, once, before assimilation") all the way through to the inevitable conclusion ("201 turned, lifting itself free of the mounting plate on tentacles... something stabbed deep into her ankle"). I guess it might be fair to say that 201 once again has eyes? Throughout this whole post, you did an excellent job building the suspense. I called the conclusion inevitable simply because there was no other outlet for all that build up. Nicely done!

    October 29, 2023
  • Ohh this story build up is amazing, it gives that horror and mystery of what is going on. This is a perfect setting for a halloween setting and it gave me the goosebumps already on how well it was written. So excellent work on the suspense of the whole post, it kept me hook! I look forward to see what actually happened to Sarissa, what stabbed her in the ankle?

    October 29, 2023
  • You had me on the edge of my seat as I was reading, and sent creepy chills down my spine. The way you described artefact 201 like you did as Kai mentioned above will have images of it crawling in my head for a bit. However, I am curious to know what kind of condition she has and wondering what is going to happen next. Things are not looking good for the young woman no matter how you spin it. Great job!

    October 30, 2023
  • WOW! What a heart-pounding story! <Litterally :) The description of Sarissa's fear and unease around artefact 201 is so visceral, and it really sets the tone for the tension that's building in the scene. The way the narrative kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering if the artefact can actually move or if it's just a trick of the eye, is masterful. The sudden twist in the artefact's movement and Sarissa's scream left me anxiously waiting to find out what would happen next. This is a gripping and intense story that keeps me wanting more! I feel lucky to know that the next part is out already, I wouldn’t be able to bear the weight of waiting otherwise! :)

    October 30, 2023
  • Tentacles. Why did it have to be tentacles?! I *loved* this so much. The vibes you gave the artifact was brilliant. I loved the way it went from "mundane" day in the lab with her grampa to "oh no, this is bad!" at warp 9! Can't wait to see where this story goes from here!

    October 30, 2023
  • What a perfect horror movie opener! I’m chuckling at your use of the “disaffected teen” here, who is, in fact, actually rather affected after all. As one ought to be, when dealing with the Borg. I like your use of direct and indirect description, like the Borg head “artefact” and the incident with the lab rat, respectively. It creates a wonderful tension with the presence of the Borg technology long before 201 ever sprouts its first tentacle. So creative and fun!

    November 1, 2023
  • A brilliant reminder not all teenagers are out being prodigies like Wesley or fighting the good fight like Nog & Jake! Sometimes they're just stuck working with Granddad. This was a great introduction to the story, and a lovely play on the traditional horror opener. I really enjoyed that you leant into the alien nature of the artifacts and how quickly things can go badly. Great opener!

    November 11, 2023