Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Breakfast, and a interview

SBB General Medicine Department
May, 2401
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Serving as a physician in Star Fleet had always been a dream of Mandrake, a tightly kept secret he failed to disclose to his wife, who did not want him to join. How he was still married at this point was a puzzle he didn’t want to solve. He just wanted to live in the moment. Today was the day his dream became a reality. He was onboard Star Base Bravo, the headquarters of the fourth fleet. He was standing in his quarters that he would soon share with his wife. The room was bathed in the soft, bluish glow of the artificial lighting, although it lacked that home feeling that he hoped Laura would bring with her. Jacob couldn’t help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

With the dawn of a new day, he decided to begin it in a disciplined manner. The smell of freshly replicated coffee filled the air as he prepared his breakfast. The aroma of the rich, Earth-blend coffee was a comforting and refreshing way to start the day. A plate of fluffy eggs, a piece of toast, and a small serving of fruit completed his meal.

Sitting at the small dining table, he activated his personal pad. He sipped his coffee and scrolled through the latest news updates. How interesting it all was, the importance of what they all did to make the galaxy a better place for all its inhabitants. Graduating from Star Fleet Academy has been a challenging but rewarding experience. His mentors and instructors had prepared him for this moment, and he was determined to make them proud.

With his thoughts racing, he finished his breakfast and went to the viewport in his quarters. The star base was bustling with activity. Starships of various designs were coming and going. Just beyond the viewport was a breathtaking view of the cosmos that seemed to have no end. Jacob couldn’t help but smile as he admired the vastness of space. It was a reminder of the boundless opportunities that lay ahead of him. As he collected his thoughts, he took a deep breath and reminded himself of his mission to help those in need no matter what.

As now Ensign Jacob Mandrake of Starfleet, he left his quarters, his crisp Starfleet uniform fitting perfectly, he felt a surge of anticipation. He double-checked that his medical tricorder was securely fastened to his belt. He took one last glance around his room before he stepped out of his quarters. The corridors of Star Base Bravo were a hive of activity. Crewmembers of various uniforms hurried about their duties, and the gentle hum of the star base systems filled the air. Jacob navigated the passageway, his heart pounding with excitement, and an ever-growing hint of nervousness that had doubled since he awoke.

He began his journey early so he could take in some of the sights. His path took him through several decks and past a few turbo lifts before he arrived at the entrance of the medical complex. The sliding doors parted, granting him access to a well-lit, clean, and efficient space. The complex was a testament to the advanced technology of the Starfleet engineers.

Jacob approached the reception area, where a young ensign was performing her duties; she looked up at him, and smiled. “How can I help you,” she asked.

“I am… uh, my name is Jaco…, Ensign Mandrake , Jacob. Reporting in for duty.”

She looked through her notes, “do you know who you are here to see?”

“Oh, forgive me,” He quickly handed her the data pad containing his orders.

The receptionist looked over the information and walked from behind her desk. “Follow me,” she called out. He followed her down a corridor, until they came to a waiting area with another receptionist; she passed along his pad to Ensign Parker, then left the room. Jacob stood outside the door for the deputy director, waiting for the Ensign to tell him it was okay to enter.