Part of USS Knight: Broken

4 – Broken

Engineering - SS Valkyrie
May 2401
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The Valkyrie was in disarray all over as if no one cared about how it looked. Giving the impression that they only cared about delivering their cargo and making some currency. After the engineering team arrived onboard the freighter, was led down the corridor towards engineering by what appeared to be a very young woman. She didn’t share her name and was rather cold about them even being there.

Kisha Pazal had wondered how this ship even lasted this long, it was in such disarray. Looking at Nilah as they continued their journey, Pazal could see that she had a look of disgust on her face as she seemed appalled just as much as she was by the state. Leaning over to Nilah and speaking in a whisper where only she’d be able to hear her. “I am surprised they haven’t decommissioned this ship with the state she is currently in.”

“Agreed,” Nilah responded as they finally reached their destination.

Upon entering engineering their guide quickly disappeared leaving them to their own devices. Engineering seemed to be empty except for a couple of people whom she hoped would be engineers. Though they weren’t doing anything but talking amongst themselves. Pazal raised an eyebrow as she got out her tricorder and walked to the central computer console, while Nilah made her way to the warp core.

Engineers spread out to different consoles and all began to get to work to diagnose what the issue might be. Pazal began to run a full-on diagnostic of the computer core to see if they could get an idea of what was going on. While the diagnostic was in progress she took the time to look around engineering. Wires were needlessly hanging around, and EPS manifolds were visible and looked to have been rigged to hold out longer than they should have.

Pazal looked to where Nilah was standing and she could visibly see that she was getting a bit frustrated. To her it seemed the warp core was giving her trouble, she was about to go over and find out when the computer beeped. Indicating that the diagnostic was complete. She would find out in a moment what was bothering Nilah first, she needed to see what the diagnostic found.

While Pazal was reading she could see in her peripheral vision Nilah walking up to her. She could see that she was frustrated. “The warp core is locked up completely. I am unable to access it to even get a diagnosis.”

“That doesn’t surprise me with everything that is wrong with this ship. It needs to be towed to a shipyard for a complete overhaul.” Pazal replied showing Nilah the diagnosis as well as points around the room at things that she could visibly see.

“Yikes,” replied Nilah.

A loud sigh escaped her lips loud enough as others in the room looked up from what they were doing. “It is going to take a week if not longer for us to get them operational.” Pazal replied as she rubbed her hands on her face, “I’ll need to have a meeting with both Commander Rayu and the freighter’s Captain. Cause I know they won’t like what I will have to say.”

“What do you need me to do in the meantime?” Nilah asked.

Pazal had a PADD in her hand inputting information into it of what was needed which was quite a lot. Though a lot of it would have to be completely overhauled they would get it up and running enough for them to complete their delivery and make it to a starbase. Once she was finished she handed Nilah the padd which she took looking at it while Pazal spoke. “I need you to head back to the Knight to begin fabricating these items, take a few engineers to assist you.”

“Understood,” Nilah replied.

Pazal stood there watching Nilah walk off grabbing a couple of engineers before making her way out of engineering. Working her jaw for a moment looking around, she just couldn’t get over the fact that they let everything get as bad as it was. Pazal just stood there procrastinating on heading back to the Knight to speak with Rayu Isha and hopefully the freighter’s captain. She wasn’t looking forward to that meeting as she had a feeling that what she would have to say would go in one ear and out the other.

Blowing the air out of her cheeks she walked out of engineering towards the transporter room while tapping her combadge. “Commander Pazal to Commander Rayu,” Pazal said as she waited for a response.

Go ahead Commander,” Rayu replied.

“I need to have a meeting with you and the freighter captain.” 

Is everything alright?

“Not really but I’ll explain everything that we found in the meeting,” Pazal stated when a sigh escaped her lips.

Understand, see you shortly,” said Rayu before the comm channel closed.

A short time later she arrived back onboard the Knight. Pazal made her way to her office to write up a report that she would share at the meeting. She has seen many things during her career, though this one seems to take the cake. After arriving she spent the next fifteen minutes working on her report before she headed to the briefing room where the meeting would take place.