Part of USS Tokyo: M1: We need a hero and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

2) Problems brew

Deep Space 47 - Docking Port 14
April 2401
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People on Deep Space 47 were getting ready for their next assignment. Ships were departing to their designated assignments to help restore Deneb to both physical and mental damage left behind by the invading forces of the Lost Fleet. People were more focused on what had happened in Deneb than the whole event around Frontier Day. Starfleet chose to withhold information from those who lost their senses to the sudden Borg takeover. Knowing that they unwillingly harmed a colleague would be devastating for a junior officer. 

A woman with short black hair rushed through the people with a travel bag over her shoulder. Rushing past the crew members waiting to board the USS Tokyo, she is stopped by the security officer who stands there. “Ma’am, could you please get back in line? Everyone is waiting to enter the ship” He formally and politely stated while he scanned the woman being a bit messy. 

The woman looked behind her to the line and saw the annoyance in their eyes with a twinkle of curiosity as she gave a brief nod to them and looked back at the officer. “I am running late Lieutenant. I have to be on board the ship as the senior staff expects me” She explained while reaching out her ID. 

The man gently grabbed the ID, and before he could react another voice rose. “Is there a problem here, Lieutenant?” a woman with a teal uniform stopped next to the man, looked at the woman, and then back. 

“No, ma’am. This lady is trying to skip the line. I kindly asked her to return to the back and await her turn. But she claims the senior staff is waiting for her.” He points up her ID. “I was about to check her ID and question her further upon the hurry she is in”

The woman grabbed the ID. “Excuse me” She stated looking at it, then back at the woman waiting. She lowered the ID and looked at another woman in a yellow uniform standing there with her arms crossed and sighted. Looking back at the woman “Commander Yoon-Jung, welcome to the USS Tokyo. I am Lieutenant Commander Viamame Ibrix the Chief Medical Officer of the Tokyo.” Viamame wove her hand to her side to the other woman. “This is Lieutenant Yozria Deem, the Chief Engineer Officer of the Tokyo” 

“Commander Yoon-Jung?” The security officer replied, looking confused at the Asian woman and realizing what was happening. “I… am sorry Commander, I didn’t see your pips so I…” 

The Asian woman raised her hand. “That is my bad. You were doing your job, and I commend you for that. Commander Yoon-Jung Ko, Commanding Officer of the USS Tokyo reported for duty, Lieutenant. Permission to board the USS Tokyo? So I can resume my duties and prepare the ship for launch.” 

Nodding quickly in agreement, the security officer stepped aside and let Ko pass her. Only to resume his work afterward. 

The two other senior officers followed their new Captain. “I do apologize, Commander, I was unaware you would be arriving so soon on the ship. I would have informed your First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Towalr of your arrival, so he could have welcomed you personally” 

Shaking her head, Yozria rolled her eyes at the mention of Towalr. “Don’t count on that…” She muttered. 

Ko blinked a bit “No worries Commander, I have arrived somewhat earlier due to the mission we are being assigned to by the Fourth Fleet. Sadly I don’t get the breathing space to learn the ship and its crew better” Ko looked over her shoulder briefly to Yozria. “What does your remark refer to Commander?” As the three kept walking.

Receiving a glare from Viamame, Yozria smirked a bit “Well, your assignment to this ship is by some senior staff seen as a bad omen” 

“Yozria…” Viamame muttered in her direction.

“What…it is true” Yozria bites back at her.

“Please explain. Spare me the sugar-coating, what is the situation of this ship” Ko was not in the mood to deal with people that have issues with her assignment. She always went straight to the person to deal with whatever they were having issues about. 

A hum came from Yozria, thinking of what to say or better how to formulate it most diplomatically. “Commander Towalr was expecting to become the next Commanding Officer and feels like he was overlooked at the selection by Captain Takato. My brother, Lieutenant Commander Sujian Deem, your Chief Security Officer, also sides with that moral choice.” Yozria didn’t mind throwing her brother under a shuttle. He was man enough to solve his problems. 

Another sigh escaped from Viamame as she looked away from both of them.

“Commander, is this true?” Ko stopped and looked at Viamame.

“I…uhmm.” She took a deep breath as the senior doctor shrugged. “After the death of Captain Jameson, it has been speculated that Towalr was not happy about the new appointment and made more than one attempt to cancel your assignment.” Feeling ashamed by the mere fact that the man was doing such action behind people’s backs.

Letting the information sink in, she eventually shrugs as Ko continues walking. “Wonderful, got to deal with that also” She entered the turbolift. “I will get to my quarters first and get with you guys to the bridge afterward. Would you be so kind as to inform Commander Towalr to inform all senior staff to gather at the ready room?” Ko nodded to them. “Deck one.” The doors close.

“Why did you tell her?” Viamame spoke without looking.

“What is the fun in it if she doesn’t get to know what kind of problems are brewing right now?” Yozria spoke “I’d rather not have this ship dive into a mutiny because of a poor losing person like Towalr. To be honest, I am really glad that he didn’t get the command seat….I would have asked for a transfer.” With that said, she turned around and walked away from the tubrolift. 

Rolling her eyes “Not only you would have done that…” Viamame muttered to herself and tapped the turbolift button waiting for it to arrive.