Part of Avalon Fleet Yards: Inside the Frontier

Companions for Dinner

Joker’s Pub - Brahms Station
2401 - May
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[Joker’s Pub – Brahms Station ]

After a shift it was time to unwind, as much as could be done after a day of planning for the worst the universe had to throw at you. Lieutenant Junior Grade Victoria Hume had been sampling all the eateries that Brahms Station had to offer and so far she had not found one to her specific tastes. While her brother, an Ensign now aboard the USS Anaheim, loved American food like burgers and fries Victoria’s taste buds tended toward Japanese flavors particularly sushi which was not often done well in space or by replicator. Even if it was her imagination there was something special about handmade sushi back in her hometown of Vancouver. Still, she realized that she should have been smarter than ordering an order of California rolls at a copy of a British pub. 

Or at least that was what she assumed they were going for here.

Thankfully she had also ordered a steak with fries, a much more appropriate dining option in such a place. This seemed like a lot of food, and perhaps it was but it gave her time to herself to focus on responding to letters from her mother and brother both of whom were in Starfleet. Her brother had also just been assigned, this time to the USS Anaheim where he was now the Assistant Chief Security Officer. 

When that was finished she debated opening her holonovel on her PADD but decided for discretion and instead was flipping through the Fleet’s news service when someone stopped at her table. Hume looked up and was surprised by who she saw.

Smiling at the young Lieutenant. “You look lonely all by yourself. Mind if I join you?” Commander Adams asked.  

Hume has never met the woman but nodded. It was unusual for random commanders, usually a section head or the First Officer on the previous posts that she’d served on to drop by a lowly lieutenant junior grade’s table for dinner, but not unheard of. Hume’s own father had been a commander at the time of his death and her mother had risen beyond that rank by now after a long career in Starfleet.  

”Of course, Commander,” she said extending her hand in an offer to shake the other woman’s as she rose herself.

She kind of chuckled to herself. “Relax I am off duty so you can call me Makayla.” She replied with a gentle smile as the waiter came over and took her order. “So how are you finding Brahm’s Station?” Adams asked looking at her.

”I’ll try Ma’am, I mean Makayla,” Hume said, she smiled, “I’m Victoria. Both my parents were Starfleet so it’s not easy to switch off being deferential to the pips. As for the station, so far so good. It’s nice, comfortable lodging. Hasn’t fallen out of space yet, so it’s all good.”

“I get it I still find myself doing it myself, though I am making progress to not be so professional at all times and just to relax when I am not working,” Makayla replied with a smile as the waitress returned with their food which smelled delicious.

Makayla was still a Commander, so it was important to be respectful. As laid back and casual as the woman was being Hume knew that the further up you ranked the touchier you could be. Or perhaps that was just people acting like they had always been but rank let them get away with more. 

”So Makayla what do you do around Brahm’s Station? I’m in strategic operations,” she said. Hume knew that it was the one place that Makayla did not work, if only because she had met everyone in her particular field at this point. The rest of Brahm’s Station remained mainly a mystery to her.

“Security,” she replied with a smile as she took a bite of her food and chewed. “Though I am sure our departments would have the opportunity to work together depending on the situation,” Adams commented.

“My brother does security,“ Hume said, “there’s obviously some overlap from what I understand.” 

It was probably not polite to suggest that Security was just Strategic Operations without thinking. A better way of framing it, Hume realized was likely to talk about how security actually tended to do more, allowing Strategic Operations to take a more hands-off approach to situations.

“I’d like to work together if there was ever an opportunity,” Hume said.

“I am sure there will be,” she replied as they continued to chat for a while before she looked at the time. “Thank you for letting me join you I am about to head home for the night.” Makayla replied as she stood up, “possibly see you tomorrow when I return to the station.”

Hume nodded watching the other woman depart. It had been nice, meeting someone new and getting to know some of the cast of people who made up Bravo Station here Lieutenant Hume was still getting settled. Now just to finish up and head to her own quarters for the night.