Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Reporting In

Director of Promenade Security office
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Cole had found his quarters with some help from several other officers along the way. They were empty when he arrived so he assumed his roommate had yet to arrive so he took the bed on the left side of the room. He dropped his bag on the bed and began putting everything away before showering and climbing his tired butt into bed.

The next morning, he received the call he was waiting for. It was time to report in. He got dressed and grabbed a cup of coffee for the trip. He pulled up the directions and headed for the lift. A few moments later, he had drank the coffee and disposed of the cup and was now on the Promenade and standing in front of his supervisor’s door. He heard the chime announce his arrival and he waited.

It was only a few seconds, but the silent greeting came in the form of the doors simply parting and revealing access to the security office.

Cole hesitantly entered the office and approached the desk still clutching his PADD with his orders pulled up on the screen.

“Security Officer Ensign Cole Shepard reporting for duty. Ma’am.” he said as he stood at attention.

Standing behind the office desk, Lieutenant Commander Peri was in deep conversation with her divisional yeoman when the young man announced his arrival. A silent nod to her orderly gave the man permission to disappear while she held out her hand for the data PADD the newcomer clutched so eagerly.

“Welcome to Starbase Bravo Ensign,” the Commander smiled.

Cole had stayed at attention and paid no attention to the other man. He simply waited for his supervisor to respond. “Thank you, Ma’am.” Cole replied nervously as he passed over the PADD.

Taking a moment to review the younger man’s data PADD of orders, the Bajoran offered him a seat across from her at the table. “So,” she finally began as she took her own seat, “tell me about yourself.”

Cole took a seat and thought about where to start. He’d learned early on in the Academy that when most people told him to tell them about himself, they were more curious about why such an older man had decided to join Starfleet so much later in life than most. He cleared his throat before starting.

“Yes, Ma’am. I come from a large family where my dad and one brother and one sister also served in Starfleet. I decided at an early age that I would serve as well but some medical issues with my mother kept me home longer than anticipated and that’s why I’m older than your typical Ensign.” he began. “But I feel that that actually helps me in some instances.”

He tried to think more about himself than his Academy time. Anything he could tell her from that period would be in his records and therefore, she would obviously already know it.

“And the enlisted track never took your fancy?” the Commander queried, finally sinking into her chair and putting her full attention on the man. “Starting the Academy much later than most can’t have been easy. Going down the enlisted route would have been far simpler,” she told, regarding him very closely.

“Yes, Ma’am. I did have several others offer that same advice, but I didn’t join Starfleet to take the easy route. I knew from a young age this was what I wanted so I stuck to my guns.” Cole replied as he sat forward in his seat. “If I’m honest, I think that some of my life lessons were actually a plus for me. It gave me some insights the younger group may not have had.”

Peri nodded along as she listened to the newcomer’s words. He seemed to know exactly what to say, and when to say it, an almost A* response for a new officer wanting to prove themselves worthy of the job. Only Peri wasn’t looking for A* on paper. She wanted A* in the field. “If you were in my shoes, Ensign, would you give this job to yourself, or to someone younger, at the start of their adult life?” she enquired, eager to see what his response would be to a tough line of questioning.

“If I can be completely honest, Ma’am,” Cole began to reply. “I’ve just recently spent time with those younger, just starting their adult life people at the Academy. I’ve seen what they’re into. Some still want to party and socialize and hang out. Me? I’ve sown all my wild oats already. I’m here. Focused and ready to work.”

“I’m glad,” the Commander smirked and shook her head slowly at the man’s blunt honesty. It was to be commended. She tapped at the controls and transferred her signature to the data PADD he had offered her earlier. “You can join security team bravo as of tomorrow. They’re responsible for patrolling various cargo bays and promenade locations,” she told him, passing the PADD back.

Bravo team. Cole thought. He’d have to look it up and find out who the team leader was. He reached across the desk and retrieved the PADD as Commander Peri returned it. “Yes. Ma’am. I’ll be there and ready to work.” he assured her.

“Very well,” she nodded, “I expect good reports Ensign. You’re dismissed.” And with that, the Commander politely gestured for the door behind him. She wasn’t one for lengthy meetings if she could avoid them, especially when much more could be achieved elsewhere. She also had an update to receive regarding her project with the Borg DNA Removal Team, and she couldn’t be late for that.

With the dismissal, Cole stood and made his way to the door. Once in the corridor, he finally released a sigh of relief that he hadn’t been aware that he was holding. He wasn’t exactly sure why he was holding. The “interview” hadn’t been anything dramatic. He had no reason to be nervous. If anything, he should be excited to finally get to work. Even if it is on this big ass station. he thought with a grin as he reached the lift.