Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 8 – Back to Janoor (BTJ) and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

BTJ 007 – Grumpy Old Men

USS Mackenzie
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“I always imagined myself as some kind of…super spy.” Henry Wyatt gave the Cardassian Advisor, Hasara, a look of amusement.  The former Gul scoffed, “Don’t laugh.  As long as you’ve lived, I’m sure you’ve been one a few times.”

Wyatt adjusted the phaser rifle, checking the corridor outside the quartermaster’s office and storage, “You know the rules of my life, Hasara.  Don’t interfere, don’t change…only observe, record, and witness.”

His partner in protection did the same to his phaser rifle, gripping it like it was his precious gift from a close relative.  Hasara could never understand the El Aurian way of life.  It seemed a rather boring existence just to watch the events of history play out with knowledge of what could happen without the ability to at least put a finger on the helm controls to send it in the right direction.  They had debated this previously, and Hasara always came to the same conclusion – Wyatt’s people were the biggest fools in the galaxy.  He said as much as he covered the other side of the corridor.

“You really want to get into a contest of calling each other’s species fools with evidence?  Cardassian history is full of it.”  He muttered, “That’s not the only thing you’re full of.”

Hasara chuckled, “I’ve made a study of the human’s predilection for idioms.  I understand that reference.  You’re not entirely wrong, to be clear.”  There was movement at the end of the hall, “Company calling, Quartermaster.”

Henry and Hasara switched places smoothly, and the Quartermaster got a look, “Looks like ten or so.”  He watched them shift and gather, “Thirteen total.  We need to take them.”  They quickly took up in tandem and began to push forward quickly, firing cover fire as they went.  The cult members were shocked and scattered as the intense fire came crashing around them.  Wyatt was thankful for his military training over the years and felt a kinship with the former Gul.  Both had lived lives they regretted and were trying to make amends in their lives today.  They sent four stunned cult members to the ground before they had to take cover in doorways.

Hasara counted the remaining, “Nine to go.  Five for me, four for you?”

Wyatt chuckled, “You think I’m going to give you five for yourself?  That’s cute.”

The Cardassian raised his eyebrows, “I’m not cute, Quartermaster.”

The El-Aurian groaned, “It’s a figure of speech, you grape.  Shall we stun the rest of the idiots?”

Hasara grinned widely, “I like that idea.  We’ll talk about how I am a grape later.”  Wyatt rolled his eyes and they both stepped out into the corridor.