Part of Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

USS Mackenzie (Archive)

Mission 8 - Back to Janoor (BTJ)

The local Task Group has been reassigned away from Janoor III. The USS Mackenzie is assigned to the colony by Fourth Fleet.

Mission Description

Back to the scene, the USS Mackenzie is tasked with continuing the work of helping Janoor III recover from the Dominion attacks of the Lost Fleet saga.  A new government has formed, and it is not united as hoped.  Instead, it is divided deeply among the people.  The Mackenzie crew must work to continue the work of repairing and restoring the colony physically while also minding the hearts and minds that have experienced a genocidal trauma.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

20 September 2023

BTJ 012 - The Call

USS Mackenzie: Mission 8 - Back to Janoor (BTJ)

The midafternoon meeting was underway, and Charlie Hargraves was tired.  He spent his CONN time on the bridge gathering reporters from the diplomatic team on the ground as they worked to interface with the various groups.  Late last evening, he’d made his way down to the planet to [...]

20 September 2023

BTJ 011 - The Syndicate Shows

USS Mackenzie: Mission 8 - Back to Janoor (BTJ)

“They’re hailing us.”  Oscar Reede had felt his jangled nerves bouncing around ever since the heavy Syndicate cruiser had been spotted.  There were pirates, and there were pirates…and then there was the Orion Syndicate.  Notoriously violent and empty of any values or honor, [...]

19 September 2023

BTJ 010 – The Awakening

USS Mackenzie: Mission 8 - Back to Janoor (BTJ)

The USS Mackenzie died. For ten minutes. Ten minutes of no gravity.  Ten minutes of counting the seconds, they worried that the calculation about the remaining air had been wrong.  Floating and holding onto anything, fearing that the system wouldn’t return, they would all die from loss [...]

19 September 2023

BTJ 009 - The Rising

USS Mackenzie: Mission 8 - Back to Janoor (BTJ)

“We need to pinch them.”  Quartermaster Henry Wyatt whispered to Hasara, the Cardassian Advisor.  They were at the far end of the engineering corridor, spying on the small group of cultists who were working on the doors. Hasara agreed with the El Aurian’s evaluation, “The only [...]