Part of USS Knight: Broken

2 – Broken

Main Lounge / Derohl's Quarters
Late April 2401
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It had been a few hours since they departed Avalon Fleet Yards and they still had several hours to go before arriving at their destination. This was their first mission without the other two ships, they were on their own to assist a broken-down freighter. Nilah had been sitting in the lounge near the far window drinking coffee while looking outside. The view of them at warp still fascinated her.

They were on their first mission after the events of the Lost Fleet invasion and Frontier Day. What could have been if they hadn’t been safely at Starbase Bravo undergoing repairs. She was at the age where she would have turned into a Borg, she couldn’t fathom what she could have done. That thought gave her goosebumps causing her to shake her head.

So lost in thought she didn’t see Lieutenant Pazal walk up to her. “Is this seat taken?” Kisha asked as she could tell something was bothering her. She thought that she would just let her be but decided to at least see if she wanted company.

She looked at her for a moment before returning her gaze to the window. “Help yourself,” she replied as it didn’t matter much to her.

Taking the offered seat she looked at her with a tilt in her head. “Are you alright?”

“I am fine,” said Nilah even though it was a lie. She was in no mood to talk and was still a bit irritated by the staff meeting she was dragged to. Not just because of her knowledge and skills but one of Derohl’s previous hosts.

Working her jaw from side to side before taking a sip of her coffee as silence fell upon them for a while. “Could have fooled me.”

“Why am I here?” Nilah asked which caught Kisha off guard.

Looking at her for a moment thinking of how to respond to her question. “Because you’re a gifted engineer,” she simply said.

“Why do I find that so hard to believe? Is it because of my talent or that of my previous hosts?”

Now she was beginning to see what was bothering her. “I know you are still adjusting to everything but believe me when I say this.” Kisha began as she paused for a moment before she continued. “You are very talented, I think that the symbiont’s previous hosts only enhanced your knowledge and skills.”

Nilah looked at Kisha for a moment and could see the sincereness in her voice. “Why did Commander Rayu make it sound like I was only there because of the experience of one of Derohl’s previous hosts?”

“To be honest no one here knows that much about the Antares-class freighters.” Kisha began to explain, “Commander Rayu noticed that one of the previous hosts used to serve on one as an engineer for a short time. She felt it was a logical choice.”

“We can learn from that experience and know that we will be able to help them properly,” Kisha added before she took a drink of her coffee while she too looked briefly out the window.

Nilah let out a huge sigh as she knew that Kisha had a point. “I suppose you’re right, I don’t know why I feel like this.” She took a drink of her coffee as she thought she had come to terms with everything. It looked like it was going to be a longer process than she anticipated.

“I am sure things will just take time and please know you are not alone.”

“Thank you Lieutenant Pazal,” Nilah said with a soft smile.

“Please call me Kisha when not on duty,” said Kisha as she saw the time. “We still have several hours before we arrive. Why don’t we get some sleep as it’s getting late.” Kisha suggested as she stood up from the chair grabbing the glass of coffee she had been drinking out of.

“That sounds like a lovely idea,” Nilah replied as she too stood up before taking another glance out the window. The view had been almost intoxicating to watch. She found it fascinating and calming watching the ship at warp. A short time later they deposited their cups at the replicator to be recycled before exiting the lounge. Each heading off in separate directions.

Taking the turbolift to the deck where her quarters were located. She happened to get lucky that she was able to get quarters to herself without having to share with someone else. She enjoyed having her own space where she could just spend time away from everything.

Upon arriving she entered her quarters and looked around almost feeling embarrassed as her quarters were a bit of a mess. She’d been in a funk lately that cleaning was the last thing on her mind. She took a few minutes to tidy up her quarters getting it back to where it needed to be.

Looking around her quarters after she finished, she was pleased with how they looked. Not to have to feel embarrassed by the state if someone decided to show up unannounced. Satisfied Nilah walked through the living room towards her bedroom and into the sonic shower after getting undressed. Having had a long day she needed the calmness of the water beating down on her to wash away the yuck she was feeling.

Upon finishing she dried off before getting dressed in her nightgown. Putting on her robe she walked to the mirror looking at herself for a moment before grabbing her brush. She began the motion of combing her hair while looking at her reflection. She thought about different things until she finished.

Walking back out into her living room heading for the replicator to get a bit of a snack. After ordering a bowl of fruit she sat down on the couch and began to eat while she picked up a PADD and began to read a book she had been reading. She spent the next hour reading before heading to bed for the night. Knowing tomorrow they were scheduled to arrive at the Valkyrie and she and other engineers would be busy.