Part of USS Columbia: Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Deep Below

Cetacean Ops - USS Columbia
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Francis flicked his tail sending a slash of water over one of the nearby dolphins. “Ye calculations ar wrong. That would send the ship into a star," he said with a shrill chirp. Without waiting for a response he dove down and propelled himself through one of the large corridors connecting the two main labs before popping up in the main cetacean ops room.

Meanwhile, in Cetacean Op's Medbay, Marucho floated near the full-body scanner, tweaking the settings to bring it back in line with Starfleet standards.  His datapad chirped, bringing his attention to the ‘door’ as a large shape swam by just close enough to trigger the sensor.

“Ahoy there, what'ye doing?” Francis said as he drifted in slowly towards the medbay trying to peer around the landlubber.

“Oh, hello there.  If I'm not mistaken, you're Francis, right?  I'm Marucho.  Just got added to the medical team down here and felt like I needed to be familiar with the facilities before anything untoward happens."

Francis floated there for a moment as he looked at Marucho, “Ah, welcome Ensign Marucho. I could use a scan, the fish I ate tasted funny if ye'be willing?”

“Certainly,” Marucho gestured to the scanner he had been working on. “Just got this thing tuned, so let's give it a go.  If you don't mind placing your beak here, and gently rest here.”

The scanner whirred to life, rotating around Francis once.

“Ok, Francis, it looks like that last fish was a little out of date.  Happens to the best of us.” Marucho turned to a nearby replicator, pressed a few buttons, and out popped a small pink pill shaped like a Spanish Galleon. “Take one of these, and if it hasn't cleared up by dinner, come let me know, ok?” 

Francis opened his mouth and let Marucho place the pill on his tongue as he let out a series of clicks, “Much obliged. However, someone should take a look at the blasted replicator that made the fish. Could have sent me to Davy Jones' Locker.” 

“I'll get a report over to engineering.  Which replicator was it?”  Marucho scribbled a note on his PADD.

Francis twisted slowly as he floated in the pool, “T'is that one.” He turned and flicked his head toward one of the two large replicators that were positioned at the side of the pool just above the water line. “It never gets the fish right, ask for Chinook salmon, gives ye Chum.”

“Thanks, I'll send a note down to Engineering.  Ok, you should be good to go, so perhaps I'll see you around Bubble.”

“Much appreciated Ensign Marucho. I feel better already.” Francis said while bobbing his head up and down with his mouth wide open.  “I best go'n check on the dolphins, they be getting the calculations wrong all the time and need babysitting. See you around." With that he flicked his tail and spun around diving down deeper into the main pool and vanished into one of the connection corridors to make sure the chuckle brothers where actually doing their job.