Part of Avalon Fleet Yards: Inside the Frontier

The list grows every minute

Drydock AFY-712 - Operations
April 2401
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The operation room was small but had a clear view over the drydock below them where a Nova-class ship was docked. The people were rushing back and forth to get everything running smoothly. The tension still was in the air after the events of Frontier Day, even though everyone had been checked and the Borg nano was removed as best as possible. Younger people felt ashamed and worried about their actions, and older people were more on edge with what had happened. However, no talks were allowed about what happened on Frontier Day. It is better not to know than to know and live with the potential guilt. 

Leaning on the console and looking at the information sent in, Nakil exhaled and let his head hang for a second. He knew that the repairs of the Fourth Fleet were required, but with the Frontier Day disaster behind them also, more delays were coming on projects. 

“Everything okay sir?” An Ensign carefully asked. 

Seeing the Nova-class in the docks, he looked up and clicked his tongue in disapproval. Eventually, he turned to the Ensign. “We got another delay on our work” He looked down at the console. “It seems that all efforts of Avalon Fleet Yards are going to be focused on the repairs and resupply of all damaged ships from the Fourth Fleet and ships that were present at Sol during the event” 

“Another delay?” An engineer replied in disbelief, “What are they expecting? We are designed to rebuild ships for colony efforts and are not meant for these kinds of assignments” 

Giving a nod, “I hear ya, but this command comes from the upper echelons, and we need our ships out there. The Lost Fleet left behind a lot of damage. Let alone the Frontier Day that left behind a bad taste for everyone here” Nakil could see a few people looking worried or talking to each other. “We shall abide by these commands and provide our bit to get Starfleet back in shape. Let us get things moving” He claps as everyone returns to their respective stations. 

The ensign gets to his side. “What is on the schedule sir?” 

He looked down at the console with ships lining up for his drydock. “Well, we are currently busy with this Nova-class, which seems to receive some hull repairs and be sent off to the base for resupply. We got a few Phoenix that got severe damage but were easy to patch up within a day or two. We got a Saber that will cost us some more time in repairs.” He taps the side of the console looking at one ship and taps it to get more details. “I might have to contact the other drydocks to potentially take over this Challenger-class, seeing it might be a tight fit for our drydock.” 

“That is quite a list sir. Are we able to get back to our duties any time soon?"

“Unknown, this might take a chunk of our time to get everything back to normal. Avalon might poke us to do more than our capacity allows us. Still, we shall see if we can or not” Nakil felt a bit useless in this situation as he is naturally a science officer and could only do the leadership role right now. The ensign resumed the duties as he nodded to himself. “Let's get this planning going” He brings up the schedule of repair teams and starts planning.