Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Lost in Translation

Starbase Bravo, Princess's Quarters
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Luna stared down at the PADD in her hand.  She'd been notified of a message for her on the long-range system they'd made out in the Delta Quadrant.  However, this couldn't be the message.  It'd come in so garbled that it read like a bomb threat.  The sender's signal indicated it should be from a childhood friend, Karteth.  He was so far out that even if he sent a bomb it'd never arrive in her lifetime.

In fact, the message had apparently been received almost a month ago.  It just took the Federation officials a while to verify whether a bomb threat was real or not.  Then the whole fiasco with the Borg happened, and this letter fell to the bottom of the priority list.  

Looking again at the letter, she noticed something in the data.  Not recognizing the string of code, she got up from her bunk and headed to the door.  She might not know what this is, but she'd bet her commission that Gary would.

Gary was, as ever, hidden away behind a panel of wiring.  Luna swore he didn't even sleep in his quarters, just behind some wiring somewhere.  It took him all of five minutes to decode the glitched message.  Turns out it was a message asking if she was coming back, and that it had been sent almost ten years ago, close to just after the Calypso had left his system.  She had a copy of it already in her library, which she had received at the time.